I hope everyone has survived the scorching summer here in the Middle East, and hopefully even managed to do some travelling. Jason and I both had some time away which was great to recharge the batteries, ready for the busy 2nd half of the year.

In June we attended our first in-person trade show in over a year at the ATD Middle East event. It was a smaller show, but it was lovely to see people again and meet up with friends new and old. I was fortunate enough to be asked to present and discussed how to create world-class e-learning (our mission statement!), plus I went through some of our processes and client case studies.  
As the show was a hybrid event, you can view a recording of the presentation here and we’ve also added a full transcription. Let me know what you think!

Our next confirmed show is the biggest of its kind in the Middle East, namely the HR Summit and Expo (HRSE). I’m thrilled to announce that we are going to be a learning sponsor at the show for the very first time! We’ve got some exciting product plans for the event, so make sure you stick it in your diaries for 1-3 November.

One other bit of news I forgot to mention in our last newsletter is that we’re proudly sponsoring the Strugglers Golf Society here in Dubai. It’s one of the largest social golf groups around and they play monthly tournaments at the Arabian Ranches Golf Club. Jason has been playing since last season, and his team even won the tournament last season (not rigged I promise!). I plan to make my debut in October, so wish me luck!!  If you’re interested in joining, sign up to their Facebook page here.
Until next time, I wish you all the very best, stay well, and I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes,

Damian Hehir

10 Mobile Learning Myths Debunked

Some might think that learning whilst on the go on your phones isn’t optimal, but how better to reach people wherever they are. This article explores some of the myths around mobile learning.
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The Benefits of Using the 70/20/10 Learning Model in E-Learning

Many in L&D would have heard of the 70/20/10 principle. In this article, we investigate how we might apply it to e-learning and some of the benefits to be found.
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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Scenarios in E-Learning Courses
Scenarios in e-learning are, let’s face it, pretty awesome! The ability to run through various cases with no risk is priceless - but there are some mistakes that can be made. Avoid them by checking out this post.
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What to Include in an E-Learning Style Guide

I’ve seen too many examples where e-learning styles vary from module to module. This makes the learning experience less than optimal and can be a distraction, get it right by establishing a style guide first.
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Why Personalized Learning is the Future of Learning and Development

Anyone who knows Capytech knows that we are focused on the best bespoke learning solutions. Library content has a place, but by customising learning to individuals and organisations, that’s where some real magic can happen.
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How to Design Engaging eLearning Content
In the above-linked presentation, you can see how we like to create world-class e-learning. It’s always great to get another opinion and in this article, we can see what they feel makes engaging content, and I largely agree!
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