I’m pretty sure I say this every time, but yeah we’ve been busy :)

It’s amazing to see the new challenges and opportunities that present themselves as your company matures. For many of you familiar with Capytech, you know that this is Jason and my first time setting up a company like this. Looking at the team we’ve built and the clients we’ve secured, I think it’s fair to say we’ve done pretty good for a first go!

Anyhow, enough with that - what have we been up to?!

It was time to do a little bit of work on how we present ourselves and our company. Firstly, we created a great new explainer animation about what Capytech does, who we’ve done it with and how. I really love it, so please share it if you do too. Secondly, we created our own team page. It goes without saying that Capytech would be nothing without our amazing team, and we want to recognise this by giving them their own page. I love the style of our little avatars and our bios (still a work in progress), so let me know what you think!

The last big bit of news is that are exhibiting at HR TECH MENA later this month. This is only our 3rd ever show, and we are very careful about where we choose to invest our resources. This is our first time at this summit, but it’s come very highly recommended so we’re excited about what opportunities will present themselves there.

Damian Hehir

Capytech Overview

Just in case you missed it above, check out our awesome new explainer video all about what we do!
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How Off-the-Shelf E-Learning Can Complement Custom Content

After announcing our partnership with Go1 in our last newsletter, we thought it was also a good time to talk about the value of pre-developed e-learning.
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Overcoming Resistance to E-Learning

One of the most common objections I get to adopting e-learning is that people just won’t do it. By having great e-learning (like ours!) it will overcome much of this, and we give you some other tips in this article.
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TMI! Cognitive Overload and Learning

A very popular post. It’s far too easy to want to add add add to your e-learning. Often less is more though.
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4 Ways an Onboarding Program Can Reduce Frontline Staff Turnover  

It’s a bit shocking how many companies here in the UAE spend little time doing a proper onboarding (via e-learning or otherwise). Here are some reasons why it can reduce turnover.
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Is Online Learning Better Than Classroom Learning?
Anyone who’s spent any time with me will know that we will never, and should never replace a (good!) instructor. The key is using all tools in an effective manner.
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Tech of the Month - Tesla Model 3
Everyone knows that I love my tech. So for a recent birthday I decided I would go visit the Tesla garage to see the new Model 3. They had just received the very first car in-country and were allowing people to come and take a look (but unfortunately not a drive!).

I reserved my Tesla back in August 2017 in what was a first for a car launch. My deposit, along with thousands of others, effectively funded the build of the car which is pretty crazy to think about. The Model 3’s have been delivered since last year in the US and now they are starting to be sent to international orders with the UAE receiving them in the 2nd half of this year.

I wasn’t sure I’d keep mine, but about a minute after sitting in the cockpit - I knew this was the car for me. From the all-electric engine with 100% torque from zero (even the base model is faster than my old Porsche), center console touchscreen, self-driving features, and Sebastian’s favourite, fart mode - I KNEW this was the car for me.

I should get it in Q3 and Q4, so be watching the roads for one of the first Model 3’sin country which we’ll be calling the CapyMobile!
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