November was again another big month for Capytech.  We participated in our second ever tradeshow and it was a great success! You can see the images below with Jason and I and our stand.

We were impressed by the amount of interest that we received from other GCC countries, in particular, so we’re going to be looking more closely at opportunities abroad now as well.  I’m already looking at what shows we should be looking at exhibiting at next year, so if you know of any that you think would be of interest, then please let me know!

As a part of our show preparations, we put a lot of effort into updating our own demonstration modules.  We’ve put together a bunch of new modules to showcase our work and put them onto our demonstration page you can visit here. Let us know what you think!

For those in the UAE, I hope you had a wonderful National Day long weekend, and as our next newsletter likely won't come until the New Year - I’d like to wish everyone a great festive season!

Damian Hehir

Instructional Design Best Practices When Developing E-Learning Courses

Like all training, instructional design is essential in e-learning and perhaps even more so as you won't have an instructor to make up for any deficit in the materials.  
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The Principles of Learning and How You Can Adapt Them to E-Learning

Whilst these principles of learning can be applied to most training, we obviously want to know how they apply to e-learning.  This article will explain our view on this area.
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8 Tips
When Using E-Learning for Onboarding

I believe onboarding is one of the very best uses of e-learning.  It creates consistent, trackable and scalable solutions.  Here are 8 tips for using it well.
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Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities for Learning

Whilst we focus on the more traditional forms of e-learning, it’s always fascinating to me what is being done in the fast-moving areas of VR/AR
7 Telltale Signs of E-Learning Dropouts and How to Prevent Them    

One of the biggest concerns in e-learning is that learners won't complete the training. This article gives seven tips on how to identify people at risk of this​
5 Things Every eLearning Authoring Tool Should Have
We love our e-learning authoring tool, but are always looking to see what future trends are out there.  This article gives some ideas on future capabilities which may become essential

Tech of the Month - iPhone XR (or any iPhone X model)
I recently updated my iPhone 7 to an iPhone XR.  The main reason for this upgrade was to take advantage of the new dual sim capability.  This is actually an e-sim and a normal sim combined, but the functionality is the same.  With the amount of travel I do, I MUCH prefer carrying a single phone over two devices, so when e-sim support was announced by Etisalat I jumped ship.

I love this capability, but there are two other features that I didn’t expect to love so much coming from the 7.  Yes yes, I know you Android users have had some of these features for years - but I’m an Apple boy (apart from my new Surface Pro!).

Firstly, wireless charging.  After getting the phone I also invested in a cheap wireless charging cradle for my home and for the car.  I can’t believe how nice it is just to drop my phone on the cradle and not have to worry about any cables!  I never realised how convenient this was going to be, and those couple of seconds fumbling wires sure can add up over a day!

Secondly, Face ID.  Again I really didn’t think this would make much of a difference and Touch ID was convenient enough.  But this feature is so fast and reliable that I’ve grown to love it.  One of the best features is the integration with your password manager.  This will quickly fill in passwords on your phone once it identifies you and makes the whole experience much more streamlined.

So if you’re still using an iPhone 8 or older, I would consider the new iPhones.  The XR is considerably more affordable than the XS models so unless you want the dual camera I would strongly consider it.  It’s amazing how far phones have come in the last decade, and I’m impressed by how much the step up to the X models have upped the game again!
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