How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training

How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training

Damian Hehire-learning, training

How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training Delivering a consistent training experience to the learners is important for a range of reasons that include enhancing the learner experience and ensuring you achieve your training objectives. Maintaining consistency in online training doesn’t happen by chance. You need a strategy and focused effort. The following tips will help ensure consistency in online …

How to Overcome Objections to

How to Overcome Objections to Corporate Training

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Overcome Objections to Corporate Training Objections and resistance to training can occur for a variety of reasons, not least the fact that people are generally very busy so see training as an added burden. One answer to objections and resistance is to simply force employees to complete the training. However, this approach will limit the impact of the …

HR Training Best Practices

HR Training Best Practices

Damian Hehire-learning

HR Training Best Practices The HR department plays a crucial role in the success of any organisation. That role covers everything from recruitment and retention to compliance and employee wellbeing. Despite the importance of HR, there often isn’t the same level of training focus for HR staff as there is for staff in other departments, particularly those that are customer-facing …

How to Create Training that Drives Behavioural Change

How to Create Training that Drives Behavioural Change

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Create Training that Drives Behavioural Change Corporate training can have a range of objectives and desired outcomes, but one of the most common is behavioural change. In other words, getting employees to do things differently or better than before. However, successfully implementing a training course in your organisation is not the same as changing behaviours. There are several …

4 Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training

Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training

Damian Hehire-learning, General

4 Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training While it is understandable there is considerable focus on hard skills training and development, modern, forward-thinking organisations also realise the importance of soft skills. This means there is a need for soft skills training to bring employees up to an acceptable standard and set your organisation apart from the competition. There are …

Why Training Doesnt Work

Why Training Doesn’t Work – And How to Fix It

Damian Hehirtraining

Why Training Doesn’t Work – And How to Fix It Training is an important function in businesses across all industries and sectors. The problem is that it often doesn’t work. It doesn’t deliver the outcomes the business needs, it fails to mitigate risks, and it is ineffective in equipping employees with the skills required to ensure the business achieves its …

Why Use E-Learning for Change Management Training and How to Get the Best Results

Damian Hehire-learning, General

Why Use E-Learning for Change Management Training and How to Get the Best Results Organisations go through change for a range of reasons. How that change is managed is often more crucial than the objectives or reasons for the change itself. After all, without managing the change process properly, it is all too easy to fail in its implementation. How …

Competency-Based Training Design Tips and Best Practices

Damian Hehire-learning, General, training

Competency-Based Training Design Tips and Best Practices Most training involves providing learners with training courses, including e-learning courses. Learners are then either encouraged or told to complete the courses that are relevant to them. Competency-based training is different as the objective is not to get the learner to complete a particular course. Instead, the objective is to help the learner …

Content and Design Best Practices When Creating Multilingual Corporate Training

Damian Hehire-learning

6 Content and Design Best Practices When Creating Multilingual Corporate Training Creating multilingual corporate training isn’t just about getting the text translated. Text and language also impact the visual appearance of e-learning courses, so changing the language can have a dramatic impact. It isn’t just about visuals, either, as text is essential to the learning process. Voiceovers in videos and …