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AI Tutors in Corporate E-Learning – Your Questions Answered

Damian Hehire-learning

AI Tutors in Corporate E-Learning – Your Questions Answered You can implement an AI tutor into your e-learning courses now, both new courses you are planning and existing courses in your library. The technology is perfect for a range of e-learning course topics, and you will enhance the learner experience. You will also get better results from your training courses, …

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An Introduction to AI Tutors in Corporate E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

An Introduction to AI Tutors in Corporate E-Learning AI (artificial intelligence) is arguably the hottest topic in tech right now. Whole industries are exploring how to utilise the latest AI technologies, many of which have taken a considerable step forward since ChatGPT exploded into the public consciousness in early 2023. What about AI technologies in e-learning? At Capytech, we are …


Elements to Focus on When Localising E-Learning Content

Damian Hehire-learning

4 Elements to Focus on When Localising E-Learning Content If you have learners in different parts of the world, it might be necessary to localise your e-learning content. This could be an essential process if learners don’t all speak the same language, but this isn’t the only reason to localise e-learning courses. Another compelling reason is that you can also …

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Why Use an LMS?

Damian Hehire-learning

Why Use an LMS? Hi, I’m Damian from Capytech. I thought it’d be valuable to run through some reasons why you might use an LMS, a learning management system. Now, some organizations are doing a lot of training. They don’t have platform to manage this, a learning platform. Some organizations have LMS kind of thrusted upon them from like an …

E Learning Assessments

Qualitative Vs Quantitative E-Learning Assessments

Damian Hehire-learning

Qualitative Vs Quantitative E-Learning Assessments Assessing the abilities of learners is part of the training process, so assessments are important elements in any e-learning course. There are many different types of assessments you can use, with each falling into either the qualitative or quantitative category. So, what are qualitative assessments and how do they differ from quantitative assessments (apart from …

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Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork

Damian Hehire-learning

Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork Upskilling is an increasingly important priority in the modern workplace, particularly in industries where skills shortages threaten growth and competitiveness. By upskilling your employees, you can ensure your business has the skills it needs not just today, but also in the future. Upskilling also helps attract and retain employees, and it …