3 Advanced Tips to Transform Training in Your Organisation

Advanced Tips to Transform Training in Your Organisation

Damian Hehire-learning, General

3 Advanced Tips to Transform Training in Your Organisation Creating and delivering training is only part of a successful training strategy. The training you deliver also has to be effective to ensure it changes behaviours, increases skills levels, and helps you achieve your goals – both business goals and training goals. The problem is the question of how to create …

Should You Outsource E Learning Development or Develop In House

Should You Outsource E-Learning Development or Develop In-House?

Damian Hehire-learning

Should You Outsource E-Learning Development or Develop In-House? Once you have decided to create a new e-learning course and you’ve decided that e-learning is the preferred delivery method, the next step is to choose from developing in-house or outsourcing to a professional e-learning developer. There is a range of tools and methods that you can use to create the e-learning …

7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Damian Hehire-learning, General, Saudi Arabia, UAE

7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training Encouraging and motivating employees to complete and engage with training has always been a challenge. Without properly addressing this challenge, you end up with low completion rates, missed targets, and low return on investment for your training activities. How do you encourage employees to prioritise training in modern UAE and Saudi Arabian …

6 Elements You Should Include in an E Learning Business Case

Elements You Should Include in an E-Learning Business Case

Damian Hehire-learning

6 Elements You Should Include in an E-Learning Business Case Writing a business case is often essential to get budget approval for the development of a new e-learning course. In other words, a business case could mean the difference between the project going ahead and it being rejected. How do you make your e-learning business case as compelling, engaging, and …

Using E Learning to Develop and Improve Under Performers

Using E-Learning to Develop and Improve Under-Performers

Damian Hehire-learning

Using E-Learning to Develop and Improve Under-Performers The traditional approach when dealing with under-performers in an organisation is to get rid of them. There are times when this is appropriate, but it isn’t always the best approach. After all, many industries (including those in the UAE and Saudi Arabia) are facing a skills shortage where it is a challenge to …

7 Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E Learning scaled 1

Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

7 Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E-Learning Do you have e-learning courses that are not delivering the results you need? Even training courses that have excellent content can miss the mark because of one of the most important parts of e-learning development – instructional design. Instructional design is a large and complex topic, but at its core, it is about …

The Benefits of Facilitating Self Directed Learning in Your Organisation

The Benefits of Facilitating Self-Directed Learning in Your Organisation

Damian Hehire-learning

The Benefits of Facilitating Self-Directed Learning in Your Organisation In today’s world, having a skill that you perfect and refine over many years is no longer enough. Technologies and society change too fast for this model to be effective. As a result, lifelong learning is crucial for success. Just like a business that doesn’t continuously evolve, people who don’t continuously …

9 E learning Product Training Tips

E-learning Product Training Tips

Damian Hehire-learning

9 E-learning Product Training Tips Good quality product training will be highly beneficial to your business, whether you are creating the training for your sales team or a wider group of employees. It is also beneficial to create product training as e-learning modules. How do you make sure the product training you create delivers on your objectives? The following tips …

8 Benefits of Using E Learning for Product Training

Benefits of Using E-Learning for Product Training

Damian Hehire-learning

8 Benefits of Using E-Learning for Product Training In a previous article, we outlined why product training is important both for your salespeople and for others in your company. In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits of using e-learning to deliver product training to your team. Here are eight of the most important. Repeatable and Scalable E-learning product training …