Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained

Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained

Damian Hehire-learning

Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained

There are lots of different ways to train staff. This includes traditional training delivery methods as well as delivery methods that are made possible because of technology.

Below is a brief introduction to the most popular training delivery methods in UAE companies.


E-learning is training delivered to learners electronically. Today, this usually means over the internet. Learners complete the training on a computer, although e-learning courses that can be completed on mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular.

The benefits of e-learning include the fast and easy distribution of courses to learners, wherever they are in the country or around the world. Learners can complete the training at their own location too, so there is no need for travel. This reduces costs and saves time.

Other benefits of e-learning include its scalability, the consistency of its delivery to all learners, and its effectiveness. The latter includes both knowledge retention and return on investment.

Classroom-Based and Synchronous Learning

Classroom-based learning is a traditional training delivery method where learners attend a course at a certain date and time. The training is then delivered by a trainer.

The standard approach is for everyone – the trainer and the learners – to be in the same physical location.

With webinar and video conferencing technologies, however, this is not essential as individuals can attend classroom-based training remotely. This is known as synchronous training or synchronous e-learning.

The benefits of classroom-based and synchronous training include the level of personal interaction that can be achieved. Many learners respond well to this environment, particularly if they are not comfortable using the technologies involved in progressing through an e-learning course.

Classroom-based training does take up more time than e-learning, however, plus there can be additional expenses incurred if learners and/or trainers must travel.

Also, most classroom-based training sessions will have a numbers cap. As a result, it’s common to hold multiple sessions, often in different geographical locations with different trainers. There can be consistency issues in these situations.

Blended Classroom

The blended classroom approach involves using multiple training delivery methods to cover a particular topic. As a result, it is often best suited to complex topics that require multiple training sessions.

With a blended classroom approach, some of the modules might be delivered face-to-face. Others will be delivered via the synchronous e-learning method, while others will be via e-learning.

So, there is a combination of face-to-face, virtual classroom, and e-learning elements.

The benefit is you get the best of all worlds, so can truly tailor the course to ensure it meets the needs of learners as well ensuring it delivers on the objectives of your company.

Just-in-Time Training

Just-in-time training is an offshoot of e-learning, but it is significantly different to have its own section. It involves creating a library of e-learning courses for employees. Crucially, employees are not given a set schedule or deadline for completing the courses.

Instead, employees seek out and complete the e-learning courses when they need them, i.e. when a situation arises where they need new skills or knowledge.

The main benefit of using just-in-time training is learner motivation. Of all the training delivery methods outlined here, learner motivation will be at its highest with just in time training. This high motivation produces excellent results.


Self-study typically involves supplying an employee with materials such as manuals, policy documents, or procedures, and asking them to read and become familiar with the topic.

In other words, there is no structured course or training event to guide the learner through the content. Instead, they are given the raw information to digest themselves.

There are situations where this can be effective enough to meet the needs of the business, not least where very few people will need to complete the training. In these situations, it might not be financially feasible or practical to deliver more formal training.

Therefore, the self-study training delivery method is a good fallback option.

It is often also an effective method for giving employees information after they complete a more structured training programme. In other words, information they can read in the future to refresh their memories.

On-the-Job Training

This is where employees learn while actually doing the job. It can have a structure to it, but the nature of training while working means there are variables that be difficult to predict. In many cases, this enhances the learning experience even further.

As learning by doing is one of the best ways to learn, on-the-job training can be highly effective.

There are downsides, of course, particularly in the early stages of the training. Those downsides include diverting resources to help and teach the employee which can result in a loss of productivity. Mistakes can also increase.

Also, some people find the experience of training in the pressure of a real work environment difficult to handle.

Which Training Delivery Method Should You Choose?

So, which of the above popular training delivery methods should you choose? The straight answer is none, as you probably shouldn’t choose a single delivery method to channel all your training courses through.

Instead, the best approach is usually to analyse the topic you want to cover with the training course and then decide which of the above will be the most effective at delivering on your objectives.

In other words, your training programme should include courses that use most, if not all, of the above training delivery methods.