7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Damian Hehire-learning, General, Saudi Arabia, UAE

7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training Encouraging and motivating employees to complete and engage with training has always been a challenge. Without properly addressing this challenge, you end up with low completion rates, missed targets, and low return on investment for your training activities. How do you encourage employees to prioritise training in modern UAE and Saudi Arabian …

Capytechs Mission Statement

Capytech’s Mission

Damian HehirGeneral

Capytech’s Mission Transcript It surprisingly took quite a few years after the start of our company to finally articulate our mission statement.   Capytech’s mission is to Create World-Class E-Learning.  Simple as that.  We want to be the absolute best at what we do.   How did we get to this? Well the founders of Capytech, Jason and myself both …


Benefits of E-Learning

Damian HehirGeneral

فوائد التعلم الإلكتروني إذا كنت حديث العهد على التعلم الإلكتروني أو جربته فقط في نطاق ضيق، فإن توسيع نطاق إستخدامه في مؤسستك يتطلب دراسة متأنية. إن فهم فوائد التعلم الإلكتروني مهم في هذه العملية. ففي نهاية المطاف، ليس الأمر كما لو أن التدريب جديد على مؤسستك. ربما تديرون باستمرار برامج تدريبية للموظفين الجدد والحاليين، وقد قمتم بذلك لسنوات. كما أن …

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Do’s and Don’ts for Creating E-Learning Courses

Damian HehirGeneral

24 Do’s and Don’ts for Creating E-Learning Courses E-learning can benefit your business’s training strategy in a range of different ways, from lowering costs to improving the quality of your training to making training more responsive to the needs of your business.Just deciding you will use e-learning as a training delivery method is not enough, however. You need to make …


Benefits of E-Learning

Damian HehirGeneral

Benefits of E-Learning If you are new to e-learning or have only tried it on a small scale, expanding its use in your organisation requires careful consideration. Understanding the benefits of e-learning is important in this process. After all, it’s not like training is new to your organisation. You probably continually run training programmes for new and existing staff and …

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The Challenges of Mobile Learning and How to Overcome Them

Damian HehirGeneral

The Challenges of Mobile Learning and How to Overcome Them Mobile learning offers benefits and opportunities, but there are challenges as well. Those challenges need to be acknowledged and, if proper steps are taken, can usually be overcome. This is important as the benefits of mobile learning are substantial. They include: Giving learners the flexibility to complete training courses on …

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How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations

Damian Hehire-learning, General

How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations When creating a new e-learning module, there are many things you need to think about in relation to the target group of learners. Examples include their seniority in the organisation, current level of skill, competency level, and location. One feature of e-learning audiences that is often neglected, …

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How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations

Damian Hehire-learning, General

How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations When creating a new e-learning module, there are many things you need to think about in relation to the target group of learners. Examples include their seniority in the organisation, current level of skill, competency level, and location. One feature of e-learning audiences that is often neglected, …

The Benifits of Creating a Learning Culture

The Benefits of Creating a Learning Culture

Damian HehirGeneral

The Benefits of Creating a Learning Culture If you want to take training and staff development in your organisation to a new level, creating a learning culture is the best approach. This means involving everyone in the company, from C-suite down, and encouraging them to embrace, promote, support, and get involved in learning and ongoing professional development. In terms of …

Tips to Transform Instructor Led Training to E Learning

Tips to Transform Instructor-Led Training to E-Learning

Damian HehirGeneral

Tips to Transform Instructor-Led Training to E-Learning In a previous blog, we looked at the three main reasons for transforming instructor-led training to e-learning. To quickly recap, the three reasons are: You’ll get a better return on investment with e-learning Members of your team will get a better learner experience Your business will get access to better training data In …