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How E-Learning Can Positively Impact Your Organisation’s Growth Strategy

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

How E-Learning Can Positively Impact Your Organisation’s Growth Strategy Whether it is training on products, processes, compliance topics, or skills, e-learning does more than make the training function in your business more efficient and cost-effective. Training efficiency and effectiveness are important, of course, but E-learning can also help your organisation’s growth strategy. It does this by providing your team with …

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What is Immersive E-Learning and How it Benefits Your Business?

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

What is Immersive E-Learning and How it Benefits Your Business? All too often, training modules, whether they are classroom-based or e-learning, assume ideal conditions. Companies developing training modules prioritise content in the hope this will achieve their training objectives. Ideal conditions don’t exist in the real world, however. As a result, we need to focus on learner experience, creating immersive …

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Adaptive Learning – What It Is, How It Works, and the Benefits to Your Business

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship, technology

Adaptive Learning – What It Is, How It Works, and the Benefits to Your Business With the concept of adaptive learning, the days of everyone in your organisation receiving the same – or even very similar – training are fast becoming a thing of the past. The availability of new technologies, the demands of learners, and the return on investment …

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How Your Small Business Can Benefit from E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

How Your Small Business Can Benefit from E-Learning E-learning is a tool that businesses in all industries are increasingly using to train their staff. This includes everything from training new recruits on systems and processes, compliance training for everyone, and upskilling for existing employees. What about using e-learning in your small business, though? As a small business, you won’t have …

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Married to a start-up – the experience of a Capywag

Damian Hehirentrepreneurship, UAE

Married to a start-up – the experience of a Capywag Intro from Damian I don’t think there would be Capytech without Beth.  It’s a bold statement, but without her unquestioned support and unwavering belief in us – I think both Jason and I would have given up in the hard early days when most failed companies do.  She deserves as …

Tripod and Capytech

Capytech and Tripod Partners sign Joint Venture

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

Capytech and Tripod Partners sign Joint Venture As the contact form on our website says, we’re always interested in exciting business opportunities. Well today I’m announcing a new joint venture (JV) that we’re undertaking with Tripod Partners. I first met Dave from Tripod a year or so back when he was making some enquiries into e-learning. Whilst we didn’t do …

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Making our clients happy

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

Making our clients happy We pride ourselves on a number of things at Capytech.  First are our innovative and well designed e-learning and technology products.  Another area is the agile way that we manage our projects, getting our clients involved in the development from the earliest stages.  Lastly comes our pride in our customer service. We love making our clients …


Entrepreneurial Network

Damian Hehirentrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Network I love chatting with other entrepreneurs. It’s great to hear their vision and insights into their journeys. I’ve even got a little Basecamp group for small community of Dubai based entrepreneurs. Some are still at the very fledgling stages and working full time with a side hustle, whilst others are well down the track and have already received …

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Working with great clients

Damian Hehirentrepreneurship, technology

Working with great clients We recently completed a project for the highly innovative company Inzpire.  They’ve been awarded top 100 best small companies to work for in the UK, and recently announced a no-cap leave policy.  Truly inspiring stuff! They wanted something cutting edge and engaging for the recent Farnborough Airshow, so we developed a touchscreen experience for them.  As …