Siraj Features Benefits 1

Siraj Features & Benefits

Damian Hehire-learning, General

Siraj Features & Benefits Good day. I want to go through quickly some of the features and benefits of our Suraj learning platform delivered by Capytech. First of all, let’s talk about content delivery. Content delivery is what most people will think about when you are adopting a learning management system that can come in a variety of different formats. …

Why use an LMS?

Why Use an LMS?

Damian Hehire-learning

Why Use an LMS? Today I want to cover briefly why you want to use an LMS and this is particularly focused at HR and learning and development professionals rather than on the actual learner side, although we will cover that very briefly as well. So one of the key elements why you will choose to use the learning management …

4 Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training

Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training

Damian Hehire-learning, General

4 Steps for Creating Effective Soft Skills Training While it is understandable there is considerable focus on hard skills training and development, modern, forward-thinking organisations also realise the importance of soft skills. This means there is a need for soft skills training to bring employees up to an acceptable standard and set your organisation apart from the competition. There are …

3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Damian HehirBenefits, e-learning, General

3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture In an organisation with a learning culture, learning is embedded in all aspects of the business. This includes at individual, team, and organisational levels. It isn’t just learning for the business either, as learning for individual benefit is also embraced. Organisations in the UAE and Saudi Arabia gain considerable benefits from establishing …

Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning

Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning Microlearning and scenarios are two highly effective strategies for delivering e-learning content and achieving your training and development objectives. Microlearning involves presenting content to learners in short bursts, with each burst focusing on a single piece of information. Scenarios are where you present learners with life-like situations to facilitate the learning process. In …

5 Tips to Make Blended Learning a Success in Your Organisation

Tips to Make Blended Learning a Success in Your Organisation

Damian Hehire-learning, General

5 Tips to Make Blended Learning a Success in Your Organisation Blended learning is a training strategy where you combine e-learning content and modules with more traditional instructor-led elements. The e-learning part of the course is self-directed by the learner, while the instructor-led elements are typically live, whether in-person or virtually. Blended learning can be suitable for a range of …

9 Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them

Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them The shelf life of skills is getting shorter and shorter, with the average now believed to be less than five years. As a result, it is essential for companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia to ensure employees continuously improve existing skills and develop new ones. Developing a learning …

6 Strategies to Improve E Learning Knowledge Retention

Strategies to Improve E-Learning Knowledge Retention

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

6 Strategies to Improve E-Learning Knowledge Retention When you create an e-learning course or any other type of training material, the aim is to transfer knowledge, enable the use of new skills, and change behaviours. However, according to Gartner, employees apply just 54 percent of the new skills they learn. This is in an era where technologies and working practices …