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Why Soft Skills Are Important in Your Organisation and How E-Learning Can Help – Part 1

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

Why Soft Skills Are Important in Your Organisation and How E-Learning Can Help – Part 1 It makes sense in business to place a lot of emphasis on ensuring your team has the technical and hard skills required to meet the expectations of your clients. What about soft skills, though? Soft skills are becoming more and more important to organisations …

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Training vs Learning and Why It’s Important to Know the Difference

Damian Hehire-learning

Training vs Learning and Why It’s Important to Know the Difference In your organisation, do you have a focus on training or on learning? This can be a difficult question to answer as the difference between the two is subtle. Maybe your answer is both, i.e. we focus on training so our employees can learn. There is a deeper concept …

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Why Video Is Crucial to Onboarding E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

Why Video Is Crucial to Onboarding E-Learning Are you looking to improve the onboarding process in your business whether that is to improve results, lower costs, or both? E-learning is one of the best tools you have available to ensure new recruits get the information, help, and support they need. Including video in your onboarding e-learning will make it even …

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The Importance of Learner-Centred E-Learning – and How to Achieve It

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

The Importance of Learner-Centred E-Learning – and How to Achieve It Creating e-learning courses and modules for learners sounds like stating the obvious. Why wouldn’t all your training elements, including e-learning modules, be learner-centred? It’s not as simple as that in the real world, however. Individuals have their own pressures in the workplace, not least time pressures. This applies to …

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Creating a Blended Learning Strategy – the Steps You Need to Take

Damian Hehire-learning

Creating a Blended Learning Strategy – the Steps You Need to Take Have you heard of blended learning and want to know if it will work in your business? Do you want to know how to go about implementing blending learning? A blended learning strategy involves both instructor-led training and e-learning. It’s an approach the delivers the best of both …

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Adaptive Learning – What It Is, How It Works, and the Benefits to Your Business

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship, technology

Adaptive Learning – What It Is, How It Works, and the Benefits to Your Business With the concept of adaptive learning, the days of everyone in your organisation receiving the same – or even very similar – training are fast becoming a thing of the past. The availability of new technologies, the demands of learners, and the return on investment …

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Tips for Choosing an E-Learning Developer

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Tips for Choosing an E-Learning Developer Getting an e-learning developer to create your training courses will result in higher quality modules and a better experience for learners. Learning outcomes will also improve as the e-learning developer will be able to get the right blend of training strategy, design, and technological features. This, in turn, improves return on investment. Choosing …

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How to Use Videos in E-Learning to Enhance the Learning Experience and Improve Outcomes

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

How to Use Videos in E-Learning to Enhance the Learning Experience and Improve Outcomes Using video in your e-learning courses delivers a range of benefits. This includes everything from engaging learners to the ability of video to present often complex topics clearly and succinctly. In a previous blog, we looked at how you can optimise the videos you include in …

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How Your Small Business Can Benefit from E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

How Your Small Business Can Benefit from E-Learning E-learning is a tool that businesses in all industries are increasingly using to train their staff. This includes everything from training new recruits on systems and processes, compliance training for everyone, and upskilling for existing employees. What about using e-learning in your small business, though? As a small business, you won’t have …

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E-Learning and Workplace Training Trends for 2020

Damian Hehire-learning

10 E-Learning and Workplace Training Trends for 2020 The use of e-learning has developed considerably over recent years. This development has been led by advances in technology as well as the creative skills and innovative thinking of professional e-learning developers who have the ability to put technology advances to the most productive use. This all leads to new e-learning thinking, …