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11 Types of Quiz Question to Include in Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Types of Quiz Question to Include in Your E-Learning Courses Quizzes are a fundamental component of most e-learning courses. So, if you are developing a new e-learning course, you will need to create a quiz. When doing so, there are 11 main types of quiz questions that you can include. By mixing up the various types, you can make …

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating E-Learning Content

Damian Hehire-learning

14 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating E-Learning Content Not all e-learning content is the same. Some content is better than others, with the most important metric being the value of the content to learners. In other words, does the content facilitate and help the learning experience, or does it fail to deliver both for learners and your course objectives? Some …

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Expert Tips for Making E-Learning Videos

Damian Hehire-learning

8 Expert Tips for Making E-Learning Videos Videos are an important part of most e-learning courses. Learners like watching videos, they are an excellent teaching tool, and they can increase engagement and satisfaction levels. However, modern employees in the UAE and Saudi Arabia have high expectations when it comes to videos. They watch a lot of high-quality and well-produced video …

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Getting Started With E-Learning for Manufacturers

Damian Hehire-learning

Getting Started With E-Learning for Manufacturers E-learning can benefit manufacturing companies in a range of different ways. In a previous blog, we looked at the training challenges in the manufacturing sector that e-learning can help overcome. How do you get started with e-learning, however? Before going into the specific steps, let’s first look at the big issue facing manufacturers – …

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E-Learning Trends for 2021

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

10 E-Learning Trends for 2021 What are the key technologies, strategies, and methods that will drive e-learning forward in 2021? Things like mobile learning, microlearning, and gamification will, of course, continue to be important. However, examples like this could have been on a list of yearly trends for the past five-plus years. What about new and exciting developments in e-learning, …

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Manufacturing Sector Training Challenges That E-Learning Can Help You Overcome

Damian Hehire-learning

Manufacturing Sector Training Challenges That E-Learning Can Help You Overcome The manufacturing sector across a range of different industries is going through a transformation. This transformation is being driven by the development of new technologies, changing consumer expectations, increased global competition, and the impact of updated and new regulations, among other things. The transformation that is taking place is making …

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How to Empower Learners and Improve Training Results in the Process

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Empower Learners and Improve Training Results in the Process Empowered learners have a desire to learn and a willingness to improve professionally. This eagerness to learn can deliver better training results for your organisation as well as helping your business achieve its training goals. So, it makes sense to take steps when developing e-learning and other training materials …

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Effective E-Learning Techniques and Strategies for Corporations

Damian Hehire-learning

8 Effective E-Learning Techniques and Strategies for Corporations All businesses and organisations face challenges when it comes to training. If you are a corporation, there are additional issues to consider, including the large numbers of people you need to train and the variations that exist between departments. Those variations include everything from motivation to competency levels to ease of deployment. …

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Tips for Using Spaced Repetition in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Tips for Using Spaced Repetition in E-Learning You will have several objectives when creating training courses in your business, including getting a return on investment. Another objective that will be high on your list is ensuring the people who complete the training retain the information they learn. Using e-learning as the delivery method can help with retention levels in …

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You’ve Identified Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – Here’s What to Do Next

Damian Hehire-learning

You’ve Identified Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – Here’s What to Do Next Identifying knowledge and skills gaps in your organisation simply describes a problem. This identification process is important, but you also need solutions. This is often referred to as bridging the skills gap. This blog is the third in our series on knowledge and skills gaps. …