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Transforming Instructor-Led Training to E-Learning – An Overview

Damian Hehire-learning

Transforming Instructor-Led Training to E-Learning – An Overview Instructor-led training, or ILT, is the traditional method of delivering training. E-learning provides an alternative that delivers substantial benefits, including in relation to costs and the quality of training you deliver to your team. Making the transition from ILT to e-learning can be a daunting prospect. When should you start? Where do …

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Tips When Using E-Learning for Cybersecurity Training

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Tips When Using E-Learning for Cybersecurity Training Stories relating to cybersecurity are appearing more and more in our newsfeeds. Many of these stories relate to ransomware attacks, where hackers take control of an organisation’s data and/or systems and won’t release them until a ransom is paid. The victims of these attacks can be anything from governments to international corporations …

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Just-in-Time Training Best Practices – and How E-Learning Helps

Damian Hehire-learning

Just-in-Time Training Best Practices – and How E-Learning Helps One training strategy that is effectively used in some areas but remains somewhat neglected in others is just-in-time training. It is a strategy that can be incorporated into your overall training programme. Plus, e-learning is the perfect fit for the creation of just-in-time training content. As always, you need to make …

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How to Reduce Risks by Using E-Learning to Deliver Compliance Training

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Reduce Risks by Using E-Learning to Deliver Compliance Training Whatever industry you are in, compliance training can be a challenging issue. It is too often considered a slog that everyone tries to get through as cleanly as possible, usually by memorising as much of the content as they can so they can pass the quiz at the end …

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How E-Learning Can Help You Upskill Your Team to Create a Multi-Skilled Workforce

Damian Hehire-learning

How E-Learning Can Help You Upskill Your Team to Create a Multi-Skilled Workforce Upskilling is a hot topic at the moment for organisations in a range of industries, particularly those where there are skills shortages. It is also becoming increasingly important to develop your team beyond their traditional skillset to create a multi-skilled workforce. This is a strategy that can …

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Tips for Successfully Outsourcing E-Learning Development

Damian Hehire-learning

7 Tips for Successfully Outsourcing E-Learning Development Outsourcing e-learning development is a good choice for a range of reasons, not least because you will get a high-quality and professional training course. Your course can also have the latest technical and interactive features, and it will be developed to maximise return on investment. However, simply outsourcing to an e-learning developer in …

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How E-Learning Can Help Digital Transformation Initiatives in Your Business

Damian Hehire-learning

How E-Learning Can Help Digital Transformation Initiatives in Your Business Digital transformation is a crucial strategy for more and more businesses in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. It is essential if you want to remain competitive in increasingly challenging markets, and to meet the expectations of customers. How can e-learning help with the digital transformation process? We know that e-learning …

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How to Write Learning Objectives

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Write Learning Objectives One of the first steps you should take when creating an e-learning course (or any other type of training) is to write the learning objective. The problem is that even though this should be part of the process, it is often not done. The temptation instead is to dive into the tasks required to get …

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How to Improve Customer Service with E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Improve Customer Service with E-Learning Providing good customer service is critical to business success for almost all companies. Good customer service is not a given, though, and it doesn’t happen by accident. Instead, it requires good customer service skills. Developing good customer service skills in your team requires training. E-learning can help whether you have a customer service …