9 Ways E Learning Benefits Digital Transformation

Ways E-Learning Benefits Digital Transformation

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Ways E-Learning Benefits Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is about the integration of digital technology into all areas of your organisation. The result will be a fundamental change to how you operate and deliver value to customers, partners, and stakeholders. Digital transformation is also crucial to remain competitive in all aspects of the delivery of your services or products, from cost and quality to innovation and resilience.

For the vast majority of companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, digital transformation is a journey. How does e-learning fit in? Can e-learning help with your digital transformation strategy and achieving milestones and objectives?

E-learning will benefit your digital transformation efforts in the following ways:

Increases Digital Competency Levels

Increasing the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of your business means your employees in almost all roles will need high levels of digital competency. E-learning training courses can help raise the digital competency levels of your team, particularly if you use personalised training techniques and strategies to provide learners with digital competency training based on their needs.

Reduces Digital Resistance

While digital transformation is about the integration of technologies, people are crucial to digital transformation success. The problem that many organisations face is employees feeling afraid and anxious that, for example, robots or AI algorithms are going to take their jobs.

You can use e-learning training courses to explain your digital transformation strategy and bring employees along on the journey. This will help to reduce any resistance that exists to the introduction of new technologies, workflows, or processes.

Improves Morale and Motivation

The above two points combined will lead to higher levels of morale and motivation, particularly among employees who are afraid their jobs are at risk.

Bridges Skills Gaps

Implementing a digital transformation strategy will inevitably lead to skills gaps in your organisation. Some of those skills gaps can be bridged through recruitment, but staff training will also be important. E-learning is the ideal training delivery method for many different course topics you might need to upskill your staff.

Helps You Keep Pace with Technology Change

Bridging skills gaps as part of your digital transformation strategy is not a one-time effort, not least because of the rapid pace that technology changes. It is reasonable to say there are skills that your employees will need in the future that we are not aware of right now because the technology hasn’t been invented. E-learning can help your organisation keep up with the pace that technologies change.

Helps With Staff Retention and Recruitment

Recruiting the right people and holding onto the people you have is an important part of not only commercial success, but also digital transformation success. E-learning training courses can help employees progress in their careers, encouraging them to stay with you for longer. Effective internal training strategies also help to attract new talent.

Establishes a Learning Culture

An above point talked about the pace that technology changes and the need for ongoing training to keep up. For this to be successful, though, employees must be willing to learn. They need to embrace new training opportunities. E-learning can help with this, particularly if you implement initiatives aimed at establishing and nurturing a learning culture.

Reduces Strain on Technology Teams

We’ve mentioned a few times in this blog that digital transformation involves the integration of new digital technologies in all aspects of the business. This means there will be new technologies that your employees will need to interact with, a situation that can lead to an increase in support tickets and requests for help.

You can get ahead of this situation by creating e-learning training courses that enhance knowledge and skills. This helps reduce the number of problems that employees face with new technologies, as well as empowering employees to solve problems themselves. Both of these outcomes can reduce the number of support tickets your technology team receives. This reduction in support tickets has cost, productivity, and efficiency benefits.

Reduces Risks Associated with Digital Transformation Projects

Success is not guaranteed with any digital transformation project. In fact, there are multiple ways that digital transformation projects can fail. Your objective should be to mitigate the risks associated with your project. In many cases, e-learning can help.

For example, you might identify that buy-in from employees is a risk for a specific digital transformation project, i.e., if the employees don’t buy in, they will bypass the new technology or ignore the new process in favour of doing things the old way. Providing these employees with high-quality training can help reduce the risk of this situation occurring.

E-Learning Can Help at All Stages of Your Digital Transformation Journey

You can use e-learning to help with your digital transformation strategy, wherever you are on the journey. The best approach is to start using e-learning now to train your team, improve communication, and ensure you have the skills you need to ensure digital transformation success.