20 Intangible Measurements of Training Success

Intangible Measurements of Training Success

Damian Hehire-learning

20 Intangible Measurements of Training Success There are multiple ways you can measure the success of a training course or an overall training strategy. Those measurements of success can be put into two categories: tangible measurements and intangible measurements of training success. In this blog, we are going to focus on intangible measurements of training success. What is the difference …

29 Tangible Measurements of Training Success

Tangible Measurements of Training Success

Damian Hehire-learning, Uncategorized

29 Tangible Measurements of Training Success For most training courses, there are both tangible and intangible measurements of success. In this two-part blog series, we are going to look at the most important tangible and intangible measurements that can help you analyse your training investments. In this first blog, we are going to focus on tangible measurements of training success, …