Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing an E Learning Development Agency

Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing an E-Learning Development Agency

Damian Hehire-learning

Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing an E-Learning Development Agency Choosing the right e-learning development agency will take the hassle out of creating training content, while also ensuring high standards of quality. As with other service partners you might hire, there are mistakes that are easy to make that can result in you making the wrong choice. Avoiding these mistakes is …

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning In e-learning, animations are highly effective tools for explaining topics and concepts, including those that are complex. They are also an excellent way of varying the content you present to learners, including to break up text. While they offer a lot of benefits, animations must be carefully created to ensure they …

7 Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E Learning scaled 1

Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

7 Common Instructional Design Mistakes in E-Learning Do you have e-learning courses that are not delivering the results you need? Even training courses that have excellent content can miss the mark because of one of the most important parts of e-learning development – instructional design. Instructional design is a large and complex topic, but at its core, it is about …