4 Elements of Excellent

Elements of Excellent E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning, General

4 Elements of Excellent E-Learning Courses A list including everything that should and could be in an e-learning course would run into hundreds of elements, from design features to technical considerations to content elements. While most of those components and features are relevant, there are four absolutely essential elements that, when optimised, make e-learning courses excellent. That last point is …

How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training

How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training

Damian Hehire-learning, training

How to Ensure Consistency in Online Training Delivering a consistent training experience to the learners is important for a range of reasons that include enhancing the learner experience and ensuring you achieve your training objectives. Maintaining consistency in online training doesn’t happen by chance. You need a strategy and focused effort. The following tips will help ensure consistency in online …

5 Essential Steps to Retain Knowledge When Employees Leave

Essential Steps to Retain Knowledge When Employees Leave

Damian Hehire-learning, General

5 Essential Steps to Retain Knowledge When Employees Leave Companies in a range of different industries in the Middle East and around the world are prioritising employee retention. The aim is to keep people with the skills and knowledge you need, as those people are hard to replace. Even with the best employee retention efforts and initiatives, there will still …

Adapting to the Modern Learner with Dynamic, Flexible, and Interactive Content

Adapting to the Modern Learner with Dynamic, Flexible, and Interactive Content

Damian Hehire-learning

Adapting to the Modern Learner with Dynamic, Flexible, and Interactive Content The learners you target with your e-learning courses and other training materials experience learning in a very different way to experiences of 20 years ago. Today, learning is democratised as anyone can search for any topic and will find a plethora of training materials, from YouTube videos to blogs …

How to Overcome Objections to

How to Overcome Objections to Corporate Training

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Overcome Objections to Corporate Training Objections and resistance to training can occur for a variety of reasons, not least the fact that people are generally very busy so see training as an added burden. One answer to objections and resistance is to simply force employees to complete the training. However, this approach will limit the impact of the …

Utilising UX Design Laws to Optimise

Utilising UX Design Laws to Optimise E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

Utilising UX Design Laws to Optimise E-Learning Courses The most effective e-learning courses are developed using learning experience design (LXD) principles. LXD is a combination of instructional design and (UX) design. Instructional design focuses on achieving learning outcomes while UX design focuses on ensuring the experience of users is as enjoyable, smooth, and hassle-free as possible. In previous blog posts, …

11 Distractions to Avoid in E-Learning Course Design

Distractions to Avoid in E-Learning Course Design

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Distractions to Avoid in E-Learning Course Design Distractions can significantly impact the effectiveness of e-learning courses and the experience of learners. The problem is that distractions are often hard to identify. After all, nobody would deliberately put a distraction into an e-learning course. More often than not, the distracting element comes with good intentions that are unfortunately misguided. To …

Successful E Learning Project Dos and Don'ts

Successful E-Learning Project Dos and Don’ts

Damian Hehire-learning

Successful E-Learning Project Dos and Don’ts Successful e-learning projects don’t happen by accident. Instead, they happen because of careful planning and by following a tried and tested design and development process. Here are our dos and don’ts for successful e-learning projects. Successful E-Learning Project Dos Conduct a Needs Assessment A needs assessment will tell you what learners know, what they …

The Challenges of Asynchronous Learning and How to Overcome Them

The Challenges of Asynchronous Learning and How to Overcome Them

Damian Hehire-learning

The Challenges of Asynchronous Learning and How to Overcome Them Asynchronous learning involves employees completing training at different times. The opposite is synchronous learning, where employees come together in person or virtually to participate in training, typically in instructor-led sessions. E-learning is commonly used to deliver asynchronous learning. Other asynchronous learning examples include on-the-job training, training videos, and instruction manuals. …

5 Best Practices for Creating E Learning Courses for Digital Natives

Best Practices for Creating E-Learning Courses for Digital Natives

Damian Hehire-learning

5 Best Practices for Creating E-Learning Courses for Digital Natives A growing percentage of the workforce in the UAE and Saudi Arabia are digital natives, i.e., employees who have grown up with digital technology, so are very familiar with using phones, computers, and the internet. On the surface, e-learning might appear to be the ideal training approach for digital natives. …