10 Mobile Learning Myths Debunked 1

Mobile Learning Myths Debunked

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Mobile Learning Myths Debunked

There are many examples of the benefits of mobile learning, but there can still be an element of misunderstanding about what mobile learning is, what it can and can’t do, and when it should be used.

Some of the most common of these mobile learning myths are debunked below.

Myth 1: Mobile Learning is Just E-Learning on a Mobile Device

With modern learning management systems and development tools, it is a straightforward process making e-learning courses responsive. In fact, for good professional e-learning developers, making courses responsive is now standard practice. A responsive e-learning course will work on any device, as the content will automatically adjust to fit any screen.

However, making an e-learning course responsive is not mobile learning. Instead, mobile learning is about developing the course with a mobile-first or even a mobile-only approach. In other words, designing the course specifically for mobile devices.

Myth 2: The Screens Are Too Small on Mobile Devices

People across the UAE and Saudi Arabia use their mobile phones to complete a range of tasks every day. These tasks can vary greatly, with the size of the screen generally posing no problem. The same applies to mobile learning. So long as you design the course for mobile devices, the size of the screen will not be a barrier.

Myth 3: Learners Don’t Want to Read Text on Mobile Screens

This one isn’t true either, as the people who will be completing the e-learning courses you create are likely to already have experience reading books and articles on their mobile phones.

Myth 4: There Are Too Many Distractions on Mobile Devices

There are many distractions competing with a learner’s time, whatever device you have in mind when designing an e-learning course. This includes distractions on phones. The answer is to make the content of the course as engaging as possible.

Myth 5: Complex Features Are Not Suited to Mobile Devices

Mobile phones are capable of completing a range of complex tasks, and mobile phone users are comfortable doing so. Just look at modern mobile phone games as an example. The mobile learning courses you create for your organisation are unlikely to be as complicated as games and other complex apps that are regularly used on mobile devices.

Myth 6: Mobile Learning is Only About Learning on the Move

Learning on the move is a benefit of mobile learning, but it is not the main objective. Being able to learn on the move helps to empower learners which, in turn, increases engagement. There are even situations where learning on the move is an essential part of the training experience.

However, mobile learning is just as effective if the learner is stationary the entire time. The main goal of mobile learning is to present the content on a device the learner is familiar with and feels comfortable using.

Myth 7: Videos Have to Be Short When You Use Mobile Learning

This is another myth that doesn’t correlate with the reality of how people in the UAE and Saudi Arabia use their phones. That reality is that it is quite common to watch long videos on mobile devices, even videos that are hours long.

This doesn’t mean you should make long videos all the time. The best approach is to use whatever video length is necessary to present the content, providing you keep the video engaging, relevant, and interesting. If a video needs to be long, it won’t detract from the mobile learning experience.

Myth 8: Mobile Learning Must Involve Microlearning

Microlearning is a training strategy in e-learning where you present the content of the course in bite-size chunks. Those chunks can be as short as a few minutes. This is because the idea behind microlearning is that you only present one new piece of information in each chunk. For many training topics, it can be a highly effective strategy to use.

It also fits nicely with mobile learning, as it means learners can complete each bite-size section on their phones. However, mobile learning e-learning courses don’t have to use a microlearning strategy. If microlearning doesn’t fit the content, you can still make the course for mobile devices while using a more traditional method of presentation.

Myth 9: Mobile Learning is Suitable for Any Application

There are many benefits to mobile learning, and it can be a highly effective method to use. However, like other training strategies, it is not right for all situations. Part of the process of developing an e-learning course should be to look at the topic, as well as the people who will be completing it, to decide which delivery method will get the best results.

Myth 10: Mobile Learning is Expensive to Develop

Developing a mobile learning e-learning course can be challenging if you don’t have the capabilities in-house. That said, if you hire a professional e-learning developer, the costs are unlikely to be much higher than developing a responsive e-learning course. This all depends on your requirements, but costs shouldn’t be a barrier to using mobile learning in your business.

The Benefits of Mobile Learning to Your Business

While there are some misconceptions about mobile learning, it can bring substantial benefits to your business, including making your training more engaging in addition to improving results and return on investment. It won’t be the best approach for all training topics, but it is a strategy you should use when appropriate.