How an AI Tutor Can Enhance Your Existing E Learning Content Library

How an AI Tutor Can Enhance Your Existing E-Learning Content Library

Damian Hehire-learning

How an AI Tutor Can Enhance Your Existing E-Learning Content Library

Your existing e-learning content library is an asset to your business, continually enhancing the knowledge and skills of existing and new employees. Your e-learning content library is not a static resource, however. You constantly add new courses and modules, while existing content needs to be regularly updated and refreshed. One of the most impactful enhancements you can make to your existing e-learning content library is the introduction of an AI tutor.

An AI tutor can take many forms, but it is often presented to the learner in the form of an avatar. The learner can ask a question on the topic of the course or request further clarification or information. The AI tutor will produce an immediate response, helping the learner’s progress through the course and enhancing the overall experience.

Because of the way they are developed and integrated with e-learning content, it is just as easy to implement an AI tutor in your existing e-learning courses as it is to add them to a new course.

Adding Value

The benefits of integrating AI tutors in your existing e-learning content library are below, but the main advantage is adding value and generating a refreshed buzz and excitement among learners about the training content that is available.

At the very least, there will be a curiosity factor when you communicate to learners that courses in your e-learning library have been upgraded with an AI tutor. Then, when learners try out the tutor when completing a module or course, they will quickly recognise the value and become more engaged with your training initiatives.

How AI Tutors Work

From a learner’s perspective, AI tutors are an interactive tool that they can use to ask questions and have natural conversations about the topic of the course.

In a traditional situation when a learner has a question or wants additional information, they will go over previous content repeatedly, reach out to a human tutor, or look for the answers elsewhere.

With an AI tutor, they can simply ask the question and engage in a conversation.

From the perspective of your business and training operations, the crucial point to be aware of is that AI tutor functionality should be locked down to your information and your information only.

This is how our AI tutors work at Capytech. When we implement an AI tutor, it will be trained on the material you provide and can only offer answers to learners based on the information in that material.

Benefits for Learners

Your existing e-learning content library will get an immediate boost with the introduction of AI tutors. The benefits to learners include:

  • AI tutors are available 24/7, so they can answer a learner’s question wherever, whenever, and on whatever device.
  • Learners get immediate responses to their queries. In other words, it’s not just about giving learners the option of asking a question 24/7 but also providing the answers 24/7.
  • AI tutors are designed to adapt to the pace and needs of the learner. For example, if a learner gets stuck part the way through a module or screen, they can pause to interact with the AI tutor until they have the clarification they need before continuing.
  • Interactions with an AI tutor provide the learner with a more personalised experience as they can ask the questions they want to ask how they want to ask them. This is driven by a technology known as natural language processing that enables learners to interact with AI tutors using everyday, conversational language.
  • AI tutors can replace human tutors or fill a void where human tutors are not available, but they can also be used to augment human tutors. In other words, AI tutors can handle the majority of learner questions with the more complex interactions left to human tutors.
  • The confidence of learners can be boosted as AI tutor functionality can reduce the stigma that sometimes exists during corporate training, where learners are embarrassed or reluctant to ask questions.
  • Learners can interact with the AI tutor in their own language as the technology is multilingual.
  • AI tutors also offer excellent support for the curious, as they provide a quick and reliable tool for those learners who want to get a deeper understanding of the topic.

Benefits for Your Business

Your business will also benefit from investing in AI tutors for your existing e-learning content library. Those benefits include:

  • Reduced pressure on resources, including human tutors and subject matter experts.
  • The introduction of AI tutors presents you with an interesting and engaging way to refresh your existing library that will capture the imagination and curiosity of learners.
  • You can reduce costs by reducing your reliance on human tutors to answer questions from learners.
  • Your existing e-learning content library will deliver better training outcomes through more personalised learning experiences and helping learners get a better understanding of the topic.
  • AI tutors can also help your efforts to create and/or foster a training culture in your organisation as they make training more interesting, engaging, and effective – for the business and for learners.
  • Overall, you will create an improved learner experience.

Bringing Training to Life with AI Tutors

AI tutors are transforming corporate training. At Capytech, we have advanced AI tutoring technologies in our portfolio, and we are an innovator in this space. This puts us in an ideal position to help you integrate AI tutors in your new e-learning development projects as well as helping you refresh your existing content library in a way that will capture the imagination of your learners. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how AI tutors can be implemented in your training strategy and projects.