
Defining Learning Objectives – What You Need to Know

Damian Hehire-learning

Defining Learning Objectives – What You Need to Know A crucial aspect of good management is making sure employees know what is expected of them. This could be anything from the sales they need to achieve per month, tasks they need to complete, points they need to action, etc. You need something similar for every e-learning course you create for …

Stop Overwhelming Learners

Stop Overwhelming Learners with These Tips

Damian Hehire-learning, General

Stop Overwhelming Learners with These Tips Here’s a frustrating scenario you may have encountered: you create a visually stunning e-learning course packed full of on-topic content that you think explains exactly what the learner needs. They don’t get it though, so the results of the course are disappointing. One of the problems could be that you’re overwhelming learners. There’s psychology …

10 reason to use infographics in e learning

Reasons to Use Infographics in E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Reasons to Use Infographics in E-Learning Courses When you’re presented with a complex topic or lots of stats and figures, do you prefer reading long paragraphs of text or viewing a quick infographic? I know which one I prefer, and it’s not the text. Infographics have lots of beneficial uses, but they are often underutilised in e-learning. They are …


How to Use Chatbots in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

How to Use Chatbots in E-Learning Chatbots are becoming more and more common in our lives. Personal assistant chatbots, for example, are all around us. You might have Siri on your Phone, Cortana on your computer, and Alexa on the Amazon Echo device sitting on your kitchen counter. In addition, more and more companies are deploying chatbots to provide technical …

Learner Experience

Tips to Enhance the Learning Experience in E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

4 Tips to Enhance the Learning Experience in E-Learning Courses The learner experience is crucial in determining the success of your e-learning course. If learners have a good experience, they will be more likely to find the course useful plus it will be easier for them to retain the information. In other words, getting the learning experience right helps you …


Everything You Need to Know About Just-In-Time Training

Damian Hehire-learning

Everything You Need to Know About Just-In-Time Training What do you do when you need to complete a task at home but don’t know how to do it? An example could be how to complete a home maintenance job. For many people, the answer is to watch an instructional video on YouTube. This is just-in-time training. Just-in-time training is learning …

7 Steps to make global training effective

Steps to Make Global Training Effective

Damian Hehire-learning

7 Steps to Make Global Training Effective Implementing a global training initiative is a significant undertaking in any organisation. It is one that presents unique challenges too so requires careful and thorough planning as well as precise implementation. This will help avoid embarrassing and damaging situations such as including a joke in training materials that is funny in one part …

personalised elearning

Personalised E-Learning: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

Damian Hehire-learning

Personalised E-Learning: What Is It and What Are the Benefits? Personalisation is a buzzword at the moment. Buzzwords often make the eyes glaze over in “not again” boredom, but this shouldn’t be the case with personalised e-learning. After all, it is a concept that has been around for years. You should take notice because it can bring significant benefits to …