
E-Learning Gamification Tips

Damian Hehire-learning

9 E-Learning Gamification Tips Gamification is one of the most powerful tools you can use when creating an e-learning course. Gamification improves retention rates, increases engagement, and helps you assess the progress of learners, among other things. How can you design gamification elements that get the best possible results, however? Here are our top nine tips. 1. Understand Your Goal …


What You Need to Know About Working Memory

Damian Hehire-learning

What You Need to Know About Working Memory One of the things that frustrates many organisations when it comes to training is rate of retention. In other words, when the training is well-received, but the learners then forget what they’ve learned in the days, weeks, and months that follow. Understanding working memory and how your e-learning course impacts it is …

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Are Your Learners Intrinsically or Extrinsically Motivated? The Difference is Crucial

Damian Hehire-learning

Are Your Learners Intrinsically or Extrinsically Motivated? The Difference is Crucial You probably already understand the importance of motivating your team to ensure maximum levels of performance. You will also understand that you must motivate different individuals in different ways, i.e. what works with one person won’t necessarily work with another. Motivating your team to learn is no different. In …

Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Right Gap – Knowledge, Skills, or Motivation?

Damian Hehire-learning

Bridge the Right Gap – Knowledge, Skills, or Motivation? Why do learners need the training you plan to deliver to them via an e-learning course? This is an essential question to answer before any design work begins. This is because the answer will determine the direction of the design, the content of the course, and, ultimately, the final product. There …

How to Make E Learning Courses More Accessible

How to Make E-Learning Courses More Accessible

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Make E-Learning Courses More Accessible There is a widespread myth about accessibility. This myth is that accessibility is all about making e-learning available to people with disabilities. This is, of course, an essential and important part of the accessibility question. Accessibility is about much more than this, however. After all, everyone who completes your e-learning course will be …


Four Essential Tips for Outsourcing E-Learning Development

Damian Hehire-learning

Four Essential Tips for Outsourcing E-Learning Development There are lots of benefits of outsourcing e-learning development. This includes: Your e-learning courses will have more technically advanced functionality Your courses will have the input of education and training professionals who understand the best ways of helping adults to learn Your courses will look professional and visually appealing The cost of development …

e learning pitfalls

E-Learning Pitfalls to Avoid

Damian Hehire-learning

11 E-Learning Pitfalls to Avoid You can easily find lots of information on what you should do with e-learning courses. Heck, I write about these sorts of topics myself right here on this blog! What about the pitfalls and mistakes that businesses make when creating e-learning courses? Below you will find the 11 most common e-learning pitfalls you should avoid. …

Why responsive E Learning Design is Cruical

Why Responsive E-Learning Course Design Is Crucial

Damian Hehire-learning

Why Responsive E-Learning Course Design Is Crucial Have you ever visited a website using a mobile device that was difficult to read, or where you couldn’t use some of the functionality? While it’s annoying, it’s a situation that is becoming increasingly rare as more and more website owners realise the importance of responsive design. E-learning has got a bit of …