Benefits of E Learning for Sales Training

Benefits of E-Learning for Sales Training

Damian Hehire-learning

Benefits of E-Learning for Sales Training Sales training is an essential component of almost all businesses. It might take place only as part of the onboarding process for new employees, or you might have an ongoing sales training programme. Either way, there are many important benefits of e-learning for sales training. You can use e-learning to give new employees the …

Facilitating knowledge sharing using e learning

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing Using E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing Using E-Learning In modern and forward-thinking organisations, knowledge sharing is crucially important. It improves productivity, reduces risks, helps with staff retention, and more. What are the practical steps to create a knowledge sharing culture, and where does e-learning fit it in? There are two main strands of creating a knowledge sharing culture: Fostering the right mindset among …

9 Benefits of Outsourcing E Learning Development

Benefits of Outsourcing E-Learning Development

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Benefits of Outsourcing E-Learning Development You have two main options for developing an e-learning course. The first is to do it in-house and the second is to outsource development to a specialist provider. In almost all situations, outsourcing e-learning development is usually the best option. It is even advantageous to go a stage further to outsource to a local e-learning …

15 tips for keeping employees engaged with your e learning course

Tips for Keeping Employees Engaged with Your E-Learning Course

Damian Hehire-learning

15 Tips for Keeping Employees Engaged with Your E-Learning Course Training employees is part of running a business. E-learning offers a range of benefits to your training initiatives, plus it is suitable for a range of training topics and courses. This includes everything from sales training to compliance training to on-boarding new employees. As with all training, however, the key …

The benefits of using e learning to train leaders

The Benefits of Using E-Learning to Train Leaders

Damian Hehire-learning

The Benefits of Using E-Learning to Train Leaders The leaders in your organisation are the people who will build it, improve it, keep it competitive, make it more profitable, and continually push it forward. While natural leadership abilities do exist, it is almost always necessary to give leaders training to refine their skills, maximise their performance, and become the best …

6 Ways to Measure E Learning Return on Investment

Ways to Measure E-Learning Return on Investment

Damian Hehire-learning

6 Ways to Measure E-Learning Return on Investment A crucial ingredient to e-learning success is setting objectives for your training course. In fact, you should set objectives before you do any other planning for the course. After all, you must know where you want to get to, so the course delivers on your requirements. What about the other end of …

Hoe e learning can improve compliance training in your business

How E-Learning Can Improve Compliance Training in Your Business

Damian Hehire-learning

How E-Learning Can Improve Compliance Training in Your Business Compliance is increasingly important for businesses in many industries. This includes compliance with Government regulations as well as compliance with industry standards or even standards set at a corporate level within the business. For example, a business in Dubai must comply with the Government’s health and safety regulations, but that business …

Goldilocks in your elearning

Using the Goldilocks Principle in Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

Using the Goldilocks Principle in Your E-Learning Courses In the well-known fairy tale, the little girl Goldilocks avoids the porridge bowls that are too hot and too cold, instead choosing the one that is “just right”. You probably never thought this simple children’s story would have any relevance to e-learning, but the Goldilocks principle can help make your courses more …

6 Blended Learning Tips that Will Improve Training in Your Business

Blended Learning Tips that Will Improve Training in Your Business

Damian Hehire-learning

6 Blended Learning Tips that Will Improve Training in Your Business Blended learning involves developing training programmes that contain a mix of both classroom and e-learning elements. It is a highly personal and flexible experience for the learner, plus it frees up learning resources (compared to classroom-only training) while delivering results. How do you get blended learning right, though? The …