11 Tips for Creating Fantastic Infographics for Your E Learning Course

Tips for Creating Fantastic Infographics for Your E-Learning Course

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Tips for Creating Fantastic Infographics for Your E-Learning Course Infographics make it easier for learners to understand complex topics, particularly when those topics include a lot of facts and figures. They also make e-learning courses less cluttered and more visually appealing. It’s easy to get an infographic wrong, however, as they are not a guaranteed engagement tool. So, you …

Why Mistake Driven Learning Is Important

Why Mistake-Driven Learning Is Important

Damian Hehire-learning

Why Mistake-Driven Learning Is Important There are a lot of metrics that measure the effectiveness of e-learning courses. Ensuring learners get good results on quizzes and other tools for assessing competence are high up on the list. In other words, the drive is usually to make sure that learners answer questions correctly when asked. While it may sound counter-intuitive, there …

E Learning Training Course Post Launch Tips to Improve Success and Return on Investment

E-Learning Training Course Post-Launch Tips to Improve Success and Return on Investment

Damian Hehire-learning

E-Learning Training Course Post-Launch Tips to Improve Success and Return on Investment There are multiple steps to successfully deliver an e-learning training course to your team. Those steps include planning your approach, determining your learning objectives, appointing professional e-learning developers, going through the development process, and launching the course. One area that is often overlooked, however, is post-launch, i.e. the …

Top Tips for Successfully Launching an E Learning Course

Top Tips for Successfully Launching an E-Learning Course

Damian Hehire-learning

Top Tips for Successfully Launching an E-Learning Course A lot of effort goes into the creation of an e-learning course. After all, you want to make sure the course achieves your objectives and delivers a return on investment. That effort shouldn’t stop whenever the course is ready to launch. This is because a properly prepared e-learning course launch will not …

Measuring the Effectiveness of E Learning Compliance Courses

Measuring the Effectiveness of E-Learning Compliance Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

Measuring the Effectiveness of E-Learning Compliance Courses Creating and implementing compliance training should not be an exercise of going through the motions so you can tick boxes in a file somewhere. Instead, it’s important to ensure your compliance training is effective and that you are getting a return on investment. This requires not just training your employees on compliance topics, …

7 Effective and Engaging Quiz Formats for Your E Learning Courses

Effective and Engaging Quiz Formats for Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

7 Effective and Engaging Quiz Formats for Your E-Learning Courses It’s common to see e-learning courses that have engaging, interesting, and interactive content but boring quizzes. This is a shame as quizzes are important parts of e-learning courses. They help with the learning process, refreshing the memory of learners and reinforcing the content. Quizzes also help you evaluate the progress …

How to Help Learners Struggling with E Learning

How to Help Learners Struggling with E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Help Learners Struggling with E-Learning There are many objectives for developing e-learning training courses but high on the list for most organisations is to improve employee performance. What happens, however, when employees struggle with the course? This can result in a downward spiral where the employee loses self-confidence and/or reacts negatively to your entire training programme. In some …

5 Ways E Learning Can Improve Company Culture

Ways E-Learning Can Improve Company Culture

Damian Hehire-learning

5 Ways E-Learning Can Improve Company Culture The importance of company culture cannot be overstated. It’s connected to staff retention, productivity, and standards of customer service in addition to HR issues like bullying and harassment. When you have a positive company culture, employees feel happier and work harder. They also have better relationships with colleagues and managers, with this positivity …

Introductions and Recaps in E Learning – Making them Effective

Introductions and Recaps in E-Learning – Making them Effective

Damian Hehire-learning

Introductions and Recaps in E-Learning – Making them Effective Introductions and recaps should be a part of almost all e-learning courses. Sometimes they are forgotten about while at other times they are not given the attention they deserve. The fact is, introductions and recaps don’t just bookend your main content, and they are not superficial. Instead, they are important parts …

Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained

Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained

Damian Hehire-learning

Popular Training Delivery Methods Explained There are lots of different ways to train staff. This includes traditional training delivery methods as well as delivery methods that are made possible because of technology. Below is a brief introduction to the most popular training delivery methods in UAE companies. E-Learning E-learning is training delivered to learners electronically. Today, this usually means over …