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How to Identify Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Identify Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation In our previous blog in this series on bridging knowledge and skills gaps, we explored the reasons why bridging both is important for your business. The reasons included everything from removing barriers that could prevent your business from achieving its goals to reducing staff turnover to improving productivity. In this …

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Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – What & Why

Damian Hehire-learning, technology, UAE

Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – What & Why Knowledge and skills gaps in your business affect performance. This could be performance in relation to customer service levels, risk management, profitability, competitiveness, or any other metric that is important to your business. Therefore, identifying knowledge and skills gaps is essential, as is dealing with those gaps.In this …

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How to Use the Concept of Overlearning to Improve Outcomes from E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Use the Concept of Overlearning to Improve Outcomes from E-Learning Courses Usually doing something too much – over-eating, overtraining, oversleeping – is not a good thing. When learning a new skill, however, overlearning is very beneficial. It results in you being able to perform tasks without having to think too much about what you are doing, and it …

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Practical Ways to Make Dull E-Learning Topics Dynamic and Interesting

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Practical Ways to Make Dull E-Learning Topics Dynamic and Interesting There are some training and e-learning topics that are simply dull. In many of these situations, the objective is just to get through them while ensuring learners have access to the required information. Many compliance topics are good examples. However, just because the topic is dull doesn’t mean the …

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How E-Learning Can Positively Impact Your Organisation’s Growth Strategy

Damian Hehire-learning, entrepreneurship

How E-Learning Can Positively Impact Your Organisation’s Growth Strategy Whether it is training on products, processes, compliance topics, or skills, e-learning does more than make the training function in your business more efficient and cost-effective. Training efficiency and effectiveness are important, of course, but E-learning can also help your organisation’s growth strategy. It does this by providing your team with …

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How to Conduct an E-Learning and Training Needs Analysis

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Conduct an E-Learning and Training Needs Analysis A training needs analysis helps identify the training your team needs to meet the objectives of the business. These objectives can include improving the service you offer to customers, increasing sales, growing your business, maintaining regulatory compliance, or any other business requirement. By conducting a training needs analysis, you will have …

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Ways to Use Mistake-Driven Learning in Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Ways to Use Mistake-Driven Learning in Your E-Learning Courses Making a mistake is a powerful learning experience. Mistakes can bring clarity to a topic, and they can correct wrong assumptions and misplaced understandings. They can also help plug knowledge gaps. Therefore, you can improve results and the overall quality of your e-learning courses by creating opportunities for mistake-driven learning …

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Don’t Make These 14 E-Learning Navigation Mistakes

Damian Hehire-learning

Don’t Make These 14 E-Learning Navigation Mistakes A key priority for your e-learning course should be to make it as user-friendly as possible. The navigational elements and structure of your e-learning course are key to achieving this goal. However, you shouldn’t take navigation for granted by assuming it will be okay. There are too many mistakes and pitfalls to look …

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Flattening the Forgetting Curve with Engaging Content and Spaced Repetition

Damian Hehire-learning

Flattening the Forgetting Curve with Engaging Content and Spaced Repetition In the corporate and business world, staff training initiatives can have a range of different objectives. Effectively and efficiently onboarding new employees is one example. Ensuring compliance with regulations is another. However, one of the most important objectives of training initiatives and strategies is to change long-term employee behaviour. In …

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Tips to Localise Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Tips to Localise Your E-Learning Courses If you have members of staff in different jurisdictions, you should consider localising your e-learning courses, i.e. tailoring courses for each locality where you have an operation or significant numbers of staff.  This could be in different countries, for example, such as one version of the course for your team in the UAE …