Capytechs Mission Statement

Capytech’s Mission

Damian HehirGeneral

Capytech’s Mission


It surprisingly took quite a few years after the start of our company to finally articulate our mission statement.


Capytech’s mission is to Create World-Class E-Learning.  Simple as that.  We want to be the absolute best at what we do.


How did we get to this? Well the founders of Capytech, Jason and myself both saw very poor applications of e-learning where we worked, and we both thought we could do better than that by a combination of our experience as trainers in the military and our background in information technology.


Initially we were focused on iPad solutions, and we’re even doing brochures and marketing content to generate revenue – but our north star was always e-learning. We knew that e-learning really could be great with a combination of technical talent and design skills.  


E-Learning doesn’t have the luxury of having an instructor make up for poor slides.  It needs to be standalone.  It needs to look modern and have interactions and activities that engage a learner.  


That all sounds simple enough, but in practice, it’s only with the right people, great communication and project management can we achieve this.


There are perhaps thousands of e-learning companies worldwide offering off-the-shelf solutions and Learning Platforms.  We don’t even want to compete with those companies.  Our goal is to build beautiful and fully bespoke e-learning modules for our clients, big and small.


Whether it be an onboarding program, an annual compliance requirement, or even a course on sales or happiness – we want to be the best at bringing this content to life in truly world-class e-learning.