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E Learning Assessments

Qualitative Vs Quantitative E-Learning Assessments

Qualitative Vs Quantitative E-Learning Assessments Assessing the abilities of learners is part of the training process, so assessments are important ...
Minimalist Pitch Deck (1)

Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork

Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork Upskilling is an increasingly important priority in the modern workplace, particularly ...
Minimalist Pitch Deck

Upskilling Training Guide Part 2 – Tips for Success

Upskilling Training Guide Part 2 – 8 Tips for Success In the first blog in this two-part series on upskilling ...
How to Create a Stress-Free Online Training Environment

How to Create a Stress-Free Online Training Environment

How to Create a Stress-Free Online Training Environment The world is a busy place, and the learners you need to ...
10 Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training

Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training

10 Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training One of the biggest barriers to ...