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Spaced Repetition

What is Spaced Repetition and Why is It Important?

What is Spaced Repetition and Why is It Important? Knowledge retention over time is one of the biggest challenges organisations ...

How Gamification Transforms Learning

How Gamification Transforms Learning E-learning courses are most effective when they help learners quickly grasp new ideas, skills, and concepts ...
Synchronous and Asynchrnous E Learning

Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning – What You Need to Know

Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning - What You Need to Know You can put all e-learning courses into one of two ...
Principles of Adult Learning

E-Learning and the Principles of Adult Learning

E-Learning and the Principles of Adult Learning One of the best ways to make e-learning courses successful is to focus ...
Blended Classroom

Blended Classroom Approach

Blended Classroom Approach The blended classroom approach to learning is becoming increasingly popular. This is because more and more businesses ...