Before I say anything, let me just wish you and your families all the best during these unprecedented times.

We don’t know how long the current situation will continue for, but I do have faith that we will emerge stronger at the other side, having learnt a lot about virus management, and humanity in general.

As far as Capytech is concerned, we’re doing OK. Some projects have been postponed as companies deal with the crisis, but overall we’ve not been too heavily impacted. We have worked remotely for many years, so the transition wasn’t difficult for us. We did open our amazing new office for our design team a few weeks ago, only to have to close it three days later - but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not important.

Many have said to me that we must be seeing a great uptick in interest. To some extent that’s correct however a lot of enquiries are simply a desire to get existing classroom training online (fair enough!), and not a full fledged e-learning need. I think in the medium term, as companies adjust to the current situation, we will see more digital strategies come into play that include e-learning - we’ll be ready to serve if that does happen.

In the interim, we’ve put together a few resources to help companies adjust to remote work and adjust to the new business environment.

Remote Working

As I mentioned, Capytech has been mostly remote since we started and some of our key personnel (like me and Jason!) still are. We’ve not taken the time to write extensively about the topic, so instead I compiled a number of free online resources from companies who are thought leaders in the area. You can access these here on LinkedIn, so please like/share so more may take benefit.

Free Courses

Along with our content partner Go1, we’re offering a number of free courses to help people adjust to remote working and the challenges it presents. Below is a list of the courses on offer, and if your organisation is interested in enrolling your staff, then please just complete this form and Go1 rep will be in touch to get you onboard.

- Managing Virtual Teams
- Collaborative Working
- The Adventures of the Lone Ranger
- Office Ergonomics
- Stress, Anxiousness and Anxiety

Training Online

We’ve had a lot of enquiries about running classroom training online. We don’t have a great value add here besides, recommending some tools and practices so what we wrote a short guide to assist companies in this process. We hope it will be helpful, and perhaps be the first step in a more sophisticated online training strategy.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I hope that some of the resources above are useful. Please take care of one another and stay safe and well.

Damian Hehir

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