And then all of a sudden it was 2018!

Hard to believe that we’re already a solid month into the New Year. I’m not a big believer in setting resolutions or anything as I think that kind of thing should be done whenever the inspiration strikes. Of course when it comes to the business, it’s part of my role to set our objectives for 2018.

I want to keep it fairly simple:

  1. Continue our growth and secure 3-5 more key clients in 2018
  2. Develop our e-learning further and launch our first B2C product by Q4
  3. Keep growing our team and culture to meet the above

That’s it really. Obviously a lot more goes into each of these, but I think it’s important to keep it simple and stick to the plan. 2017 was very much a breakthrough year for us and I want to ride that momentum into 2018.

Thinking big picture, what do you hope to achieve in the next 12 (well 11 now!) months? I’d love to hear your goals and aspirations.

Let me wish you all the best for 2018, I hope it’s gotten off to a cracking start!


Damian Hehir

Defining Learning Objectives – What You Need to Know

It goes without saying that e-learning (or training in general) is pointless without knowing what you’re trying to teach. Here’s some thoughts on setting clear objectives.
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Capytech & FORGE join forces to create  soft skills e-learning

We don’t want to close the door on deals because we don’t author content. In comes FORGE a great, diverse training company in Abu Dhabi. Problem solved!
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A Very Capy 2017

Here is my write up for last year. It certainly was a great year for Capytech. Lots more work still to be done, but always nice to reflect on what’s been achieved.
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4 Examples Of Successful Immersive eLearning And Tips To Create Your Own
Great e-learning should be immersive. It’s not always possible for say compliance training, but it should be aspired to.
eLearning project leads the way in reviving Arab learning
This sort of news is music to our ears. Of course we’re passionate about all things e-learning, and the Arab market has been underserved for too long.
13 Apps eLearning Professionals Use
I would say we use more than half of these apps either directly for e-learning or in the running of our company. There are so many great options out there now, it’s just a matter of exploring.
Make 2018 your best year yet - 4 productivity tools/tips
Get it all written down
I would be lost without my to-do list. Everything goes straight in there where it is prioritised, categorised and scheduled. I can email into it, link it with other tools, and it syncs across all my devices. It’s the first thing I consult when planning my day. For this I use Todoist.
Never let a lead slip
I’ve told many people that my CRM (customer relationship manual) is my external brain. Ever wonder how I remember to give you a call or email, it’s because of it. How do I keep track of every deal and invoice, yup - it’s my CRM again. I think there is lots of good ones out there, but I’ve used Pipedrive for years and love it for both intuitiveness and the way it suits my thinking
Focused work is the best work
All my days are broken into bite size chunks. Focusing on one task at a time. I know roughly how long each thing will take and can plan accordingly. Too much time is wasted task switching, stop it now and adopt the Pomodoro technique - you will thank me!
A great morning equals a great day
I love my elaborate morning routine. I think it gets you off to a great start. Some exercise, meditation/prayer, reading and similar activities can really get your day started on the right foot.  It sounds cheesy, but I really enjoyed The Miracle Morning as a quick read on how to start your day.
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