Empowering Learners The Role of AI Tutors in E Learning

Empowering Learners: The Role of AI Tutors in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

Empowering Learners: The Role of AI Tutors in E-Learning The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational sector has heralded a new era of learning, where traditional barriers are being dismantled, and personalised education is becoming a reality. AI tutors, an innovative application of AI in e-learning, are at the forefront of this revolution, transforming how learners interact with …

The Value of Immersive 360 Learning Spaces for E Learning (1)

Exploring the Efficiency of AI in Gathering Module Feedback

Damian Hehire-learning

Exploring the Efficiency of AI in Gathering Module Feedback AI systems have massively contributed to the leaps and bounds made in E-Learning. In this article, we’ll delve into the role of artificial intelligence in obtaining module feedback. AI Tutor and Feedback Collection One of the extensive uses of AI in E-Learning is the integration of an AI Tutor, as the …

How to Optimise E Learning Software Training

How to Optimise E-Learning Software Training

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Optimise E-Learning Software Training Most organisations are going through a period of technological change as new technologies become available, systems change, and market expectations evolve. This includes those with clear digital transformation strategies as well as organisations that take a more ad hoc, financially driven, and only-when-it’s-needed approach. The common thread is that many employees over the coming …

Boosting Problem Solving Skills in Your Organisation with Online Training

Boosting Problem-Solving Skills in Your Organisation with Online Training

Damian Hehire-learning

Boosting Problem-Solving Skills in Your Organisation with Online Training Problem-solving skills are beneficial to your organisation across just about every job role and responsibility. With optimised problem-solving skills, your employees can work more efficiently and autonomously while achieving better outcomes. You can give problem-solving skills in your organisation a boost through online training. E-learning courses on problem-solving skills can benefit …

Minimalist Pitch Deck (1)

Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork

Damian Hehire-learning

Upskilling Training Guide Part 1 – Laying the Groundwork Upskilling is an increasingly important priority in the modern workplace, particularly in industries where skills shortages threaten growth and competitiveness. By upskilling your employees, you can ensure your business has the skills it needs not just today, but also in the future. Upskilling also helps attract and retain employees, and it …

10 Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training

Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training One of the biggest barriers to training success is time, i.e., ensuring learners have enough time to complete the course. While the issue of time is common across all learners, it is also variable, as different time-related factors will affect different people in different ways. As …


Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Factors that Impact the Amount of Time Learners Need to Complete Online Training One of the biggest barriers to training success is time, i.e., ensuring learners have enough time to complete the course. While the issue of time is common across all learners, it is also variable, as different time-related factors will affect different people in different ways. As …

The Business Case for Continuous Learning in the Workplace

The Business Case for Continuous Learning in the Workplace

Damian Hehire-learning

The Business Case for Continuous Learning in the Workplace Continuous learning is where employees are encouraged and supported to constantly upskill, reskill, and refresh existing skills. It requires a learning culture and a range of processes and initiatives that facilitate learning in the workplace. Examples of those processes and initiatives include e-learning courses, mentorship programmes, learning resources, on-the-job training opportunities, …