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What is Capytech all about

Damian Hehire-learning

What is Capytech all about Good day. I’m Damian from Capytech and today I want to tell you what Capytech is all about. Now, we’ve been operating in the Middle East for over ten years now, and if you visited our website, you can see that we’ve been trusted by some of the largest companies organizations in the region, which …

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Exploring the Metaverse: ‘VR Goggles or Desktop/Mobile?’

Damian Hehire-learning

Exploring the Metaverse: ‘VR Goggles or Desktop/Mobile?’ In our continuing series ‘Exploring the Metaverse’, today’s topic is an interesting one: ‘VR Goggles or Desktop/Mobile?’  There are a couple of ways we can access and interact with the Metaverse and I feel a lot of people out there still associate the Metaverse with VR Goggles when this doesn’t necessarily need to …


Exploring the Metaverse: Environment Design

Damian Hehire-learning

Exploring the Metaverse: Environment Design Lots of posts on the Metaverse, but how much do you really know?  I will start posting a few snippets of information that you might find interesting and maybe helpful.  Starting today, let’s look a the ‘Environment Design’ part of the Metaverse. In essence, Environment Design is the creation of digital spaces that can serve …

12 Benefits of the Metaverse in E Learning

Benefits of the Metaverse in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

12 Benefits of the Metaverse in E-Learning The metaverse is a term that describes virtual spaces where you interact via an avatar. This includes interacting with the avatars of other metaverse users. Today, the most common application for the metaverse is gaming, but there is growing interest in the potential of this technology for corporate training. So, what are the …

How the Metaverse Will Enhance Corporate E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, General

How the Metaverse Will Enhance Corporate E-Learning It has been possible to learn using a digital device for decades. What has changed is the technologies that are available. The first big change was the internet, as it enabled e-learning content to be distributed digitally as well as consumed digitally. The increasing use of mobile devices in e-learning was another big …