Three Essential Steps for Improving the Skills of Managers in Your Organisation

Three Essential Steps for Improving the Skills of Managers in Your Organisation

Damian Hehire-learning

Three Essential Steps for Improving the Skills of Managers in Your Organisation When it comes to training, managers don’t always get the level of focus they deserve. Organisations develop training for employees to enhance their skills and increase the operational capabilities of teams. Leaders are also often nurtured and developed. What about managers, though? Managers are crucial to the success …

3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Damian HehirBenefits, e-learning, General

3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture In an organisation with a learning culture, learning is embedded in all aspects of the business. This includes at individual, team, and organisational levels. It isn’t just learning for the business either, as learning for individual benefit is also embraced. Organisations in the UAE and Saudi Arabia gain considerable benefits from establishing …