12 Benefits of the Metaverse in E Learning

Benefits of the Metaverse in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

12 Benefits of the Metaverse in E-Learning The metaverse is a term that describes virtual spaces where you interact via an avatar. This includes interacting with the avatars of other metaverse users. Today, the most common application for the metaverse is gaming, but there is growing interest in the potential of this technology for corporate training. So, what are the …

The Potential Benefits of NFTs in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, NFT, Potential

The Potential Benefits of NFTs in E-Learning NFTs have had a rollercoaster ride since they came to public attention. They have been met with praise, criticism, scepticism, and optimism, often all at the same time. What about the underlying technology of NFTs, though, and does that technology have any potential benefits for e-learning? Before we look at the potential benefits …

Why Use E-Learning for Change Management Training and How to Get the Best Results

Damian Hehire-learning, General

Why Use E-Learning for Change Management Training and How to Get the Best Results Organisations go through change for a range of reasons. How that change is managed is often more crucial than the objectives or reasons for the change itself. After all, without managing the change process properly, it is all too easy to fail in its implementation. How …

Qualities to Look for in an E-Learning Developer

Damian Hehire-learning

8 Qualities to Look for in an E-Learning Developer There are various steps you should go through when selecting an e-learning developer to produce training content for your organisation. This includes checking the services that are being offered, past work history, and the process that will be followed.  It’s also important to dig deeper to make sure the developer will …

Competency-Based Training Design Tips and Best Practices

Damian Hehire-learning, General, training

Competency-Based Training Design Tips and Best Practices Most training involves providing learners with training courses, including e-learning courses. Learners are then either encouraged or told to complete the courses that are relevant to them. Competency-based training is different as the objective is not to get the learner to complete a particular course. Instead, the objective is to help the learner …

9 Training and Development Strategies for a Hybrid Workplace

Training and Development Strategies for a Hybrid Workplace

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Training and Development Strategies for a Hybrid Workplace One of the business outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic is an increase in hybrid working arrangements. Hybrid working is where employees spend part of their working week in the office and the rest working from home. How do you ensure you continue to deliver on your training and development objectives when …

Applying Design Principles to E Learning

Applying Design Principles to E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Applying Design Principles to E-Learning Good design in e-learning doesn’t happen by accident. To achieve good design, you must follow established design principles. Design principles are guidelines that influence how users interact and engage with e-learning content. They can even be used to make an emotional connection with learners. As a result, design principles contribute to the learner experience, enhancing …

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Animation in E-Learning In e-learning, animations are highly effective tools for explaining topics and concepts, including those that are complex. They are also an excellent way of varying the content you present to learners, including to break up text. While they offer a lot of benefits, animations must be carefully created to ensure they …

Benefits of Using E Learning in the Finance Sector 1024x734 1

Benefits of Using E-Learning in the Finance Sector

Damian Hehire-learning

Benefits of Using E-Learning in the Finance Sector The continuous and ongoing training of employees is essential for companies in the finance sector. Training is important to maintain high standards of customer service, mitigate risks, and help organisations achieve their strategic objectives. The finance sector is also going through significant change, with new technologies being a driving factor. However, even …