How to Shorten Your E-Learning Courses Without Impacting the Results There is no optimum length for e-learning, as courses should be as long as they need to be to cover the topic and achieve your objectives. However, it is often possible to shorten e-learning courses. That poses a number of questions: Why would you want to shorten an e-learning course? …
Mobile Learning Myths Debunked
10 Mobile Learning Myths Debunked There are many examples of the benefits of mobile learning, but there can still be an element of misunderstanding about what mobile learning is, what it can and can’t do, and when it should be used. Some of the most common of these mobile learning myths are debunked below. Myth 1: Mobile Learning is Just …
Benefits of E-Learning
فوائد التعلم الإلكتروني إذا كنت حديث العهد على التعلم الإلكتروني أو جربته فقط في نطاق ضيق، فإن توسيع نطاق إستخدامه في مؤسستك يتطلب دراسة متأنية. إن فهم فوائد التعلم الإلكتروني مهم في هذه العملية. ففي نهاية المطاف، ليس الأمر كما لو أن التدريب جديد على مؤسستك. ربما تديرون باستمرار برامج تدريبية للموظفين الجدد والحاليين، وقد قمتم بذلك لسنوات. كما أن …
Benefits of E-Learning
Benefits of E-Learning If you are new to e-learning or have only tried it on a small scale, expanding its use in your organisation requires careful consideration. Understanding the benefits of e-learning is important in this process. After all, it’s not like training is new to your organisation. You probably continually run training programmes for new and existing staff and …