Modern, high-quality e-learning courses are typically complex, particularly in terms of structure, features, and technology. Depending on the subject matter, the content of the course can be complex too. As a result, errors, bugs, and issues can arise during development, making quality assurance (QA) an essential part of the design process. What are the problems and challenges that arise in …
The Importance of Quality Assurance in E-Learning Design and Development
There are many different elements that make up the e-learning design and development process. Those elements include gathering content and presenting it within the e-learning course, whether that is in text form, in a video, on an image, or using another type of media. There are also then creative, technical, and UX elements. Errors, bugs, and issues can occur in …
Essential Soft Skills for Engineering and Technical Teams – and How E-Learning Can Help
Essential Soft Skills for Engineering and Technical Teams – and How E-Learning Can Help Engineers and technical staff pride themselves on their technical knowledge and abilities. However, there are very few roles that exist in the modern workplace where an engineer can complete their duties in a vacuum. They have to deal with people, solve problems, and deal with change, …
Sales Training Secrets that Will Boost Revenue
5 Sales Training Secrets that Will Boost Revenue Sales training is an important part of the sales strategy in most companies. To take your sales training to another level and give your organisation a revenue boost, you should go beyond having a sales strategy, developing a sales training strategy as well. This involves giving careful consideration to the types of …
Tips for Creating a Realistic E-Learning Development Outsourcing Budget
10 Tips for Creating a Realistic E-Learning Development Outsourcing Budget Outsourcing e-learning development will ensure you have high-quality training material in your organisation. There are costs involved, however, so it is important to create a realistic budget to optimise your investment. Setting a realistic budget will also help you keep costs under control, and it will ensure you get a …
Advanced Tips to Transform Training in Your Organisation
3 Advanced Tips to Transform Training in Your Organisation Creating and delivering training is only part of a successful training strategy. The training you deliver also has to be effective to ensure it changes behaviours, increases skills levels, and helps you achieve your goals – both business goals and training goals. The problem is the question of how to create …
Should You Outsource E-Learning Development or Develop In-House?
Should You Outsource E-Learning Development or Develop In-House? Once you have decided to create a new e-learning course and you’ve decided that e-learning is the preferred delivery method, the next step is to choose from developing in-house or outsourcing to a professional e-learning developer. There is a range of tools and methods that you can use to create the e-learning …
Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training
7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training Encouraging and motivating employees to complete and engage with training has always been a challenge. Without properly addressing this challenge, you end up with low completion rates, missed targets, and low return on investment for your training activities. How do you encourage employees to prioritise training in modern UAE and Saudi Arabian …
Elements You Should Include in an E-Learning Business Case
6 Elements You Should Include in an E-Learning Business Case Writing a business case is often essential to get budget approval for the development of a new e-learning course. In other words, a business case could mean the difference between the project going ahead and it being rejected. How do you make your e-learning business case as compelling, engaging, and …
Onboarding Challenges that E-Learning Helps to Overcome
7 Onboarding Challenges that E-Learning Helps to Overcome Staff recruitment and retention are big focus areas for a wide range of companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. As a result, the onboarding process is more important than ever, as you don’t want to go through the time, effort, and expense of recruiting new members of the team only to …