Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning

Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Why You Should Combine Scenarios with Microlearning Microlearning and scenarios are two highly effective strategies for delivering e-learning content and achieving your training and development objectives. Microlearning involves presenting content to learners in short bursts, with each burst focusing on a single piece of information. Scenarios are where you present learners with life-like situations to facilitate the learning process. In …

9 Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them

Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Challenges of Developing a Learning Culture and How to Overcome Them The shelf life of skills is getting shorter and shorter, with the average now believed to be less than five years. As a result, it is essential for companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia to ensure employees continuously improve existing skills and develop new ones. Developing a learning …

6 Strategies to Improve E Learning Knowledge Retention

Strategies to Improve E-Learning Knowledge Retention

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

6 Strategies to Improve E-Learning Knowledge Retention When you create an e-learning course or any other type of training material, the aim is to transfer knowledge, enable the use of new skills, and change behaviours. However, according to Gartner, employees apply just 54 percent of the new skills they learn. This is in an era where technologies and working practices …

Applying Design Principles to E Learning

Applying Design Principles to E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, General, UAE

Applying Design Principles to E-Learning Good design in e-learning doesn’t happen by accident. To achieve good design, you must follow established design principles. Design principles are guidelines that influence how users interact and engage with e-learning content. They can even be used to make an emotional connection with learners. As a result, design principles contribute to the learner experience, enhancing …

7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training

Damian Hehire-learning, General, Saudi Arabia, UAE

7 Ways to Encourage Employees to Prioritise Training Encouraging and motivating employees to complete and engage with training has always been a challenge. Without properly addressing this challenge, you end up with low completion rates, missed targets, and low return on investment for your training activities. How do you encourage employees to prioritise training in modern UAE and Saudi Arabian …

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Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – What & Why

Damian Hehire-learning, technology, UAE

Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps in Your Organisation – What & Why Knowledge and skills gaps in your business affect performance. This could be performance in relation to customer service levels, risk management, profitability, competitiveness, or any other metric that is important to your business. Therefore, identifying knowledge and skills gaps is essential, as is dealing with those gaps.In this …

Using E Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees scaled

Using E-Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

Using E-Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees Training new employees is getting expensive. This is the reality of business whether you are based in Dubai or anywhere else in the world. Just look at how much more compliance training your company delivers now than it used to. When a new employee joins your organisation, they need that …

Writing for E Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience

Writing for E-Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

Writing for E-Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience The best e-learning courses have multiple content elements including interactive sections, images, graphics, video, audio, quizzes, and more. Text, however, remains central to all e-learning courses. Therefore, it’s important you make the text in your e-learning courses as engaging and effective as possible. This will enhance …

Step By Step Guide to Creating Content for Your E Learning Course scaled

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Content for Your E-Learning Course

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Content for Your E-Learning Course Curating and preparing content is an essential step in creating an e-learning course. One of the most important elements is often the written content as this determines how the course will ultimately develop. Even when you work with a professional e-learning course developer, you will almost always need to provide the …