Social Learning

What is Social Learning and How You Can Use It?

Damian Hehire-learning

What is Social Learning and How You Can Use It? A lot of content you find on the internet will describe social learning as using social media in your e-learning courses and/or encouraging group learning. These can be a part of social learning, of course, but this is not social learning. For me, social learning is a much more powerful …

Keys to Instructional Design Success

Keys to Instructional Design Success for E-learning

Damian Hehire-learning

Keys to Instructional Design Success for E-learning Have you ever experienced a poor university or university-type lecture situation where the lecturer simply gives a monologue, regurgitating information as you scramble to take notes? Instructional design is the opposite of this. As a result, instructional design makes e-learning courses successful. In fact, using instructional design techniques and concepts is often the …


Analysing Client Needs in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

Analysing Client Needs in E-Learning Analysing client needs – your needs – is one of the most important parts of the process of developing an effective e-learning course. When done right, you will get the best possible result and the process of getting there will be hassle free. If your e-learning provider doesn’t do a client needs analysis, there’s something …


Ways to Improve Retention Rates with E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

8 Ways to Improve Retention Rates with E-Learning There is a range of different objectives you can have when conducting training in your organisation. In most situations, however, your success in achieving those objectives will depend on learners retaining the skills and knowledge you give them. This is why I never stop talking about retention and retention rates. Every part …

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The Training Value Chain – Using E-Learning to Improve Classroom Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

The Training Value Chain – Using E-Learning to Improve Classroom Learning I am, as you might expect, a vocal advocate of e-learning. However, I know there are some situations when classroom or residential components are essential. Even in these situations, e-learning can play an important role. In fact, e-learning is a significant part of the training value chain even when …

INFOGRAPHIC – How e-learning can save you money

Damian Hehire-learning

INFOGRAPHIC – How e-learning can save you money Sometimes a picture paints a thousand words as they say.  So we made an infographic explaining how e-learning can save you money! There’s also a supporting video animation for this, that you can check out here. Let us know what you think!

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How to Effectively Storyboard Your E-Learning Content

Damian Hehire-learning

How to Effectively Storyboard Your E-Learning Content The starting point of all great e-learning courses is establishing a good foundation. A crucial part of that foundation is to storyboard the entire course. Storyboarding is a step in the process that too many people ignore, however, wrongly thinking it is not necessary or may delay production. I take a very different …

what is rapid prototyping in elearning

What is Rapid Prototyping in E-Learning?

Damian Hehire-learning

What is Rapid Prototyping in E-Learning? Most clients I speak to understand clearly the benefits e-learning can bring to their business. They also understand the benefits of using professional e-learning course designers. For some, however, there are niggling concerns regarding the development process and the quality of the end result. Often these concerns occur when the subject matter or structure …