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How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations

Damian Hehire-learning, General

How to Ensure Your E-Learning Modules are Suitable for Learners from All Generations When creating a new e-learning module, there are many things you need to think about in relation to the target group of learners. Examples include their seniority in the organisation, current level of skill, competency level, and location. One feature of e-learning audiences that is often neglected, …

2019 10 15

Tips for Engaging Remote Workers in Training

Damian Hehire-learning

12 Tips for Engaging Remote Workers in Training Training remote workers is often more challenging than training employees who work at one of your locations. How do you ensure your remote workers get the training they need without spending a fortune on travelling expenses? This is a question that companies increasingly face as the use of remote workers becomes more …

10 10 2019 Capytech scaled

Bridging Performance Gaps in Your Organisation Using an E-Learning Fundamental Skills Library

Damian Hehire-learning

Bridging Performance Gaps in Your Organisation Using an E-Learning Fundamental Skills Library Poor performance impacts the productivity of your business. However, it’s rare to have employees that perform poorly in all aspects of their work. In those situations, the question of their suitability for the role must be considered. For the majority of your team, poor performance comes in gaps. …

Why E Learning and Instructor Led Training Are the Perfect Match scaled

Why E-Learning and Instructor-Led Training Are the Perfect Match

Damian Hehire-learning

Why E-Learning and Instructor-Led Training Are the Perfect Match The training strategy in your organisation shouldn’t be a zero-sum game. In other words, you shouldn’t go all-in for e-learning without any instructor-led training, and it shouldn’t be all instructor-led training either. You can take this a stage further, however, by using both e-learning and instructor-led training at the same time. …

Using E Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees scaled

Using E-Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

Using E-Learning to Cut the Cost of Training New Employees Training new employees is getting expensive. This is the reality of business whether you are based in Dubai or anywhere else in the world. Just look at how much more compliance training your company delivers now than it used to. When a new employee joins your organisation, they need that …

What Is a Training Needs Analysis and How Are They Beneficial scaled

What Is a Training Needs Analysis and How Are They Beneficial?

Damian Hehire-learning

What Is a Training Needs Analysis and How Are They Beneficial? Do you conduct regular training needs analysis in your organisation? If not, it’s something you should do as it will improve training in your business. It can also help improve business performance, productivity, and profitability. It’s not even a time-consuming process. Instead, it’s about spending a short amount of …

Why Where and How to Use Avatars in E Learning

Why, Where, and How to Use Avatars in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning

Why, Where, and How to Use Avatars in E-Learning Content is not enough to make e-learning courses successful. Instead, e-learning courses must be interactive, engaging, and immersive. When you achieve this, learners will be more receptive to the content and the course will have more chance of success. While there is no single tool or method you can use to …

Writing for E Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience

Writing for E-Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience

Damian Hehire-learning, UAE

Writing for E-Learning – 22 Tips that Will Improve Engagement and the Learning Experience The best e-learning courses have multiple content elements including interactive sections, images, graphics, video, audio, quizzes, and more. Text, however, remains central to all e-learning courses. Therefore, it’s important you make the text in your e-learning courses as engaging and effective as possible. This will enhance …

9 Tips for Using Images in Your E Learning Courses scaled

Tips for Using Images in Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Tips for Using Images in Your E-Learning Courses Images and visuals make your e-learning courses more engaging and relevant, plus they are excellent learning tools. It’s important you use images properly, however, to ensure you don’t include them in your e-learning courses just for the sake of including them. The following nine tips will ensure the images in your …

Benefits of Using Images and Other Visuals in Your E Learning Courses 1

Benefits of Using Images and Other Visuals in Your E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

Benefits of Using Images and Other Visuals in Your E-Learning Courses There are several content types you can add to your e-learning courses. This includes videos, animation, and, of course, text. One of the most important, however, is images. Understanding this importance is crucial as there are too many e-learning courses that only use images for window dressing. This is …