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Essential E-Learning Design Best Practices You Should Know

Damian Hehire-learning

Essential E-Learning Design Best Practices You Should Know When most people think about training, they think about content and the best way to present that content to learners. Those things are important, of course, but you should never underestimate the importance of e-learning design. Without good e-learning design, your course will look unprofessional. There are lots of reasons for avoiding …

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Tips for Using Animation in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

Tips for Using Animation in E-Learning In a previous blog, we looked at the many benefits of including animations in your e-learning courses. You can’t just add any animation, however. To get the best results, you need to ensure you follow industry best practice standards. The following tips for using animation in e-learning will help. Focus on a Specific Topic …

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Benefits of Using Animation in E-Learning

Damian Hehire-learning, technology

Benefits of Using Animation in E-Learning One of the main advantages of choosing e-learning over other forms of training is the ability to include different types of content using a variety of media. This includes animations. Why should you include animations in the e-learning courses you create? From simplifying information to making content more relatable to improving learning outcomes, animations …

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Tips for Creating Fantastic Branching Scenarios in E-Learning Modules

Damian Hehire-learning

9 Tips for Creating Fantastic Branching Scenarios in E-Learning Modules Making employee training engaging is crucial to achieving your training objectives. Engaging training courses enhance learner satisfaction levels and improve results. This could be anything from changing behaviour to developing skills to improving standards. One way to make your e-learning courses engaging is to include branching scenarios. You must make …

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The Dos and Don’ts of E-Learning Videos

Damian Hehire-learning

The Dos and Don’ts of E-Learning Videos Videos add variety to your e-learning courses, and they can be the most effective method available for presenting certain types of information. Videos are also highly engaging, plus most people prefer to watch a video rather than read a long block of text. How do you maximise the effectiveness of e-learning videos? What …

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E-Learning Mistakes to Avoid

Damian Hehire-learning

14 E-Learning Mistakes to Avoid If you are getting started with e-learning for the first time, you’ll achieve better results if you don’t repeat commonly made mistakes. If you have already created e-learning courses but are not getting the results you hoped for, you need to understand the problems so you can fix them. To help in both these situations, …

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Essential Elements of User-Friendly E-Learning Courses

Damian Hehire-learning

11 Essential Elements of User-Friendly E-Learning Courses In e-learning, as with all other forms of training, the focus is often on engaging the audience and ensuring you get the best possible result from the training initiative. Knowledge retention, learner satisfaction, and behavioural change are some common objectives. Making your e-learning courses user-friendly – where does this come on your priority …

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Tips for Creating Effective E-Learning Intro Screens

Damian Hehire-learning

10 Tips for Creating Effective E-Learning Intro Screens Most e-learning courses have an intro screen, but there is rarely much thought given to them. They are often included simply to have something at the start of the course, so act almost like a placeholder. In other situations, e-learning intro screens are left out completely, so the learner is launched straight …

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The Importance Experiential Learning in E-Learning Modules

Damian Hehire-learning

The Importance Experiential Learning in E-Learning Modules While the term experiential learning is clearly training industry jargon, it is something most people are familiar with. Just think of all the things where your skills improved the more you did them, whether in sport, working with IT, delivering presentations, cooking dinner, etc. The term experiential learning involves applying that concept – …

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Microlearning Tips to Enhance Your Training Content

Damian Hehire-learning

14 Microlearning Tips to Enhance Your Training Content Microlearning involves creating training content focused on a single topic that can be covered in an e-learning module in a short space of time – usually less than 10 minutes. It differs from other forms of e-learning which cover broader topic areas. Microlearning offers a range of benefits including: Empowering learners and …