3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture

Damian HehirBenefits, e-learning, General

3 Essential Pillars of a Modern Learning Culture In an organisation with a learning culture, learning is embedded in all aspects of the business. This includes at individual, team, and organisational levels. It isn’t just learning for the business either, as learning for individual benefit is also embraced. Organisations in the UAE and Saudi Arabia gain considerable benefits from establishing …

9 Main Benefits of Microlearning

Main Benefits of Microlearning

Damian HehirBenefits, e-learning

9 Main Benefits of Microlearning Microlearning is a term that can sometimes be associated with smallness. However, the only thing small about microlearning is the length of the content modules (or chunks) that make up a microlearning course. In all other aspects, a microlearning training course can be as big, complex, and challenging as required. What are the benefits of …

The Environmental Benefits of E-Learning

Damian HehirBenefits, e-learning, Environmental

The Environmental Benefits of E-Learning Decisions on training development and delivery strategies often focus on the business benefits – benefits such as reduced costs, better results, and improved return on investment. However, there is another category of benefits that doesn’t get the same level of attention: the environmental benefits of e-learning. As organisations across all sectors work to minimise their …